
A group of Australian men pretend to be journalists, breaking into mosques and abusing Muslims

[Social News]     05 Jul 2018
Kurabi Mosque (Photo of the Daily Mail)Yesterday, a group of men disguised as reporters in Brisbane, Kunzhou, broke into two mosques and abused Muslims.

Kurabi Mosque (Photo of the Daily Mail)

Yesterday, a group of men disguised as reporters in Brisbane, Kunzhou, broke into two mosques and abused Muslims.

According to the Daily Mail, a group of men dressed as journalists in Brisbane, Queensland, came to the (Kuraby Mosque), mosque in Curabi yesterday to express their desire to photograph the inside of the mosque. After entering the mosque, the men began to read books and called Islam a cult.

At the time, the men threatened a 65-year-old and a 15-year-old: "you don`t belong to this country, you damn terrorist, we should raze this place to the ground."

On the same day, the Dara (Darra) Mosque was also targeted, but the men failed to break through the closed doors.

On Saturday, Za'id Abdus Samad), a Kurabo man, was suddenly arrested by police and charged with terrorism, or the trigger for insulting Muslims.

However, the Queensland Islamic Council (ICQ) said Samad had never been to the Curabi Mosque, nor did he see any connection between the two incidents. Religious leaders will meet tonight to discuss the often humiliated faith of the Muslim community in Queensland.

Kadri (Ali Kadri), a spokesman for the Queensland Islamic Council, said what happened in Curabi was not uncommon, with mosques breaking into mosques and provoking Muslims in an attempt to shoot angry responses.

"if you want to discuss Islam, please do it in a civilized way," Cudley said. Don`t break in and insult old people and children like rough animals. "

Cudley said police have collected enough evidence to launch an investigation. Cudley believes the authorities should take such intimidation seriously, and that existing laws do not provide adequate protection for victims of religious hatred.

Governor (Annastacia Palaszczuk) Blake said the events at the Curabi Mosque were worrisome and called for tolerance and respect.

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