
The car spray refused the drug slogan, but the driver was found to be poisoned.

[Social News]     18 Nov 2018
Spray on the car body with the rejection drug slogan (Daily Mail picture)It may have been surprising that a car in Australia was wearing a sign saying no to drug while its driver was found to be poisoned during random checks.
The car spray refused the drug slogan, but the driver was found to be poisoned.

Spray on the car body with the rejection drug slogan (Daily Mail picture)

It may have been surprising that a car in Australia was wearing a sign saying no to drug while its driver was found to be poisoned during random checks.

According to the Daily Mail, on Nov. 15, new state police randomly stopped a car on the Pacific Highway`s Tari Road section of (Pacific Highway Taree) with the slogan "I say no to drug, but they don`t listen."

(NSW Traffic and Highway Patrol Command), the new state traffic and highway patrol command, wrote on Facebook that when the car`s driver was tested for toxic driving, police officers thought it was a little funny.

This incident has attracted wide attention on the Internet. One netizen commented: "it seems that reverse psychology does not work, really, want to be beautiful?" "at least his van is honest," laughed another netizen.

The road random drug test was part of the Manning operation (Operation Manning) launched by the (Manning Great Lakes Police District) of the Great Lake District of Manning.

Operation Manning lasted a full 48 hours, performing random breathing tests and random vehicle checks in (Four Mile Rest), a four-mile service area south of Tali, from 13 to 15.

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