
The fire is out of control! A forest fire broke out in Ballarat, a famous scenic spot in Victoria, and authorities warned residents to evacuate quickly.

[Social News]     16 Apr 2019
Just now, a forest fire broke out in the gold-rush town of Ballarat, and the situation is out of control and residents are urged to flee.

Just now, a forest fire broke out in the gold-rush town of Ballarat, and the situation is out of control and residents are urged to flee.

The fire is out of control! A forest fire broke out in Ballarat, a famous scenic spot in Victoria, and authorities warned residents to evacuate quickly.

Tinworth Ave has been warned to stay away.

The pictures from the scene can see the smoke in the vicinity of the residential area.

The fire is out of control! A forest fire broke out in Ballarat, a famous scenic spot in Victoria, and authorities warned residents to evacuate quickly.

Forest fires in, Mt Clear are spreading south to Whitehorse Rd.

The fire is out of control! A forest fire broke out in Ballarat, a famous scenic spot in Victoria, and authorities warned residents to evacuate quickly.

By 12:30, the "observe and move" signal had been upgraded to an emergency warning, with images posted on Twitter showing water bomb planes being deployed to help firefighters put out a fire.

The fire is out of control! A forest fire broke out in Ballarat, a famous scenic spot in Victoria, and authorities warned residents to evacuate quickly.

Authorities warned that fleeing residents should travel along Geelong Rd to other areas of Ballarat, and remember to bring pets, cell phones and medicines.

The emergency alert states: "if you decide to stay, you may not be able to get help from emergency services."

The National Fire Service said the, Whitehorse Rd could be affected at any moment and residents should evacuate as soon as possible before the situation becomes dangerous.

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