
Epidemic escalation, all Australian primary and secondary schools or will be closed? online education is about to begin? States are prepared for the worst

2019-nCoV Special
[Education News]     08 Mar 2020
The mother was a staff member at Ryde hospital and had contact with a 53-year-old male doctor who had been diagnosed at the hospital, Epping Boys Public School a survey of 11th-year-olds infected with new coronavirus in Sydney.

The mother was a staff member at Ryde hospital and had contact with a 53-year-old male doctor who had been diagnosed at the hospital, Epping Boys Public School a survey of 11th-year-olds infected with new coronavirus in Sydney.

The new state chief health officer Kerry Chant said government was prepared to take action to ensure that it was in the interests of students and faculty and the wider community and could close the school for up to two weeks.

At the same time, the new state education department is preparing for the possible closure of more schools to ensure that students can attend classes in virtual classrooms.

Epidemic escalation, all Australian primary and secondary schools or will be closed? online education is about to begin? States are prepared for the worst

Some private schools in Queensland are also preparing to close schools to ensure that students` schoolwork is uninterrupted!

Epidemic escalation, all Australian primary and secondary schools or will be closed? online education is about to begin? States are prepared for the worst

In short, with the continuous spread of the virus, the situation of mass closure of schools is coming!

New state prepares for massive school closures

According to a common country data, schools are currently closed in 13 countries and territories.

Hong Kong, China closed all schools three weeks ago. This week italy ordered the closure of all schools nationwide until march 15.

Japan, its prime minister, Shinzo Abe, announced on February 27 that each school would be closed for at least a month.

As the number of confirmed cases reached 30 this week, government ordered the closure of all primary schools in the capital, New Delhi, affecting up to 2 million children. In China, all schools are already closed.

A new state education system has been urgently digitized to prevent a worsening of the epidemic, to enable students to attend online courses after school closures and even to hold school rally at home.

The new state education minister Sarah Mitchell also ordered its department to equip students without iPad or computers so they could study online at home.

Epidemic escalation, all Australian primary and secondary schools or will be closed? online education is about to begin? States are prepared for the worst

A contingency plan for widespread absenteeism began in mid-January, Ms. Mitchell said.

She believes the new state is Australia`s most well-prepared state to ensure that students interrupt their studies.

"In recent weeks, we have expanded the scope of the programme to ensure that students who are unable to attend classes because of segregation are able to do so. "

Epidemic escalation, all Australian primary and secondary schools or will be closed? online education is about to begin? States are prepared for the worst

Furthermore, the new state has a special online school for distance-learning students, that is Aurora College, it can play course recordings and expand in the event of a pandemic.

"This is the key to our state being able to stand out and, if necessary, we will be able to use such regional resources in metropolitan areas ," Ms. Mitchell said. "

Queensland is also preparing for school

As the worst-hit area of the state, departments are also preparing for the pandemic!

Epidemic escalation, all Australian primary and secondary schools or will be closed? online education is about to begin? States are prepared for the worst

Senior students affected by coronavirus or suspension can get extra time to finish school or postpone exams, Chris Rider chief executive of the state`s bureau of curriculum and assessment (QCAA) said.

He said QACC had contacted principals about special rules for students who were sick or separated from school.

When asked by the media whether schools and nursery centres would be closed if a student or staff member was infected with the virus if all parents would be notified, the Ministry of Education responded :" No decision to close schools or nurseries would be made easily and a comprehensive assessment of the risks to the health and welfare of staff, students and children would be made in the light of the advice of the Chief Health Officer. "

"Continuing learning is an extremely important consideration in our contingency plans. Like other disaster and emergency management events, we have online learning materials and virtual classroom functions that can be used by schools where appropriate to ensure continuous learning of the curriculum. "

If any public school is closed, students in Queensland will have to study online in the Virtual Classroom, as happened Epping Boys Public School Sydney on Friday.

David Robertson, executive director of the state`s private schools, said private schools would follow the recommendations and policies of the state`s health bureau to deal with new cases of coronavirus.

"In view of the increase in confirmed cases in Australia, private schools are reviewing their risk management policies and procedures. This includes how they continue to provide continuous education to students, depending on local conditions and operational capabilities. "

Epidemic escalation, all Australian primary and secondary schools or will be closed? online education is about to begin? States are prepared for the worst

For example, the top private girls` school Brisbane Girls` Grammar School yesterday wrote a letter to parents saying the school was "preparing to close the school ".

The letter reads :" As a precautionary measure, all students and faculty members are required to bring their laptops and other basic information home. If the school is closed, parents will be notified by email and SMS. "

"Our primary concern is to take reasonable measures to safeguard the health and well-being of students and staff. "

"At school there are no new cases of coronavirus ," the school speaker said in an interview. "

"In view of the rapid development of the new coronavirus epidemic, schools have chosen a conservative approach in which students have timely access to learning materials once the health sector`s recommendations change over the weekend. "

"Like many schools, we are actively reviewing our planned 2020 tours and short trips, as recommended by the DEAT, and we plan to continue to provide educational services if the health sector determines that there is a need to suspend classes ," Brisbane Boys`College said. "

CHC stated that it would work with state government "to ensure that the impact on students is reduced in the most effective way ." "

The Ministry of Education ordered schools to stop travelling abroad

As the epidemic`s containment measures escalated, the state`s chief health officer Brett Sutton urged the state to take the same measures as the new state, advising schools to cancel all overseas travel plans for students.

Epidemic escalation, all Australian primary and secondary schools or will be closed? online education is about to begin? States are prepared for the worst

"said :" The Department of Education and Training has adopted the recommendation of the State Chief Health Officer to inform schools not to arrange overseas travel plans other than New Zealand and Canada without notice. "

"All schools were circulate a notice this information immediately and directly in order for the school to adjust its plans. "

Indeed, the state today confirmed the 11th new coronavirus, a doctor in his 70s.

Epidemic escalation, all Australian primary and secondary schools or will be closed? online education is about to begin? States are prepared for the worst

Virginia Health Director Jenny Mikakos said the doctor tested positive last night, five days before he returned home. He felt sick and runny nose as he flew from denver to San Francisco on a u.s. domestic flight on february 27.

Then he flew from San Francisco to Melbourne on American UA0060. Arrived at 9.30 a.m. on 29 February.

The Toorak Clinic he Malvern Road in Melbourne treated 70 patients between 2 March and 6 March.

Epidemic escalation, all Australian primary and secondary schools or will be closed? online education is about to begin? States are prepared for the worst

Toorak clinic is closed. All patients and employees who have come into contact with him are required to isolate themselves.

In addition, six cases were added overnight in the new state, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the new state to 34.

Five of the cases were family members of known infected persons or had close contact with confirmed patients, according to the new state health department.

A further 545 suspected patients have been tested and are awaiting results.

Schools across Australia are becoming more likely to be shut down as the epidemic intensifies.

As a result, parents and students should also be relatively prepared, such as keeping the home network open, iPad or computer running properly, to meet the possible online education.

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