
Sydney's biggest indoor music event, youth take drug died too much

[Social News]     09 Dec 2018
A young man died in excess of take drug at the Knockout Games of Destiny Music Festival (Daily Mail photo)
Sydney's biggest indoor music event, youth take drug died too much

A young man died in excess of take drug at the Knockout Games of Destiny Music Festival (Daily Mail photo)

On Saturday night, a 19-year-old suspected take drug overdose and three others were in critical condition, calling the "biggest indoor music event in the Southern Hemisphere" in Sydney Healthtree (Homebush), where a 19-year-old man was suspected to have died too much.

The 19-year-old suspected take drug overdose was rushed to (Concord Hospital), Concord Hospital, where he died at about 04:30 on Sunday, the Daily Mail reported.

Two other women, aged 19 and 25, and a man, both suffered from take drug overdose, were rushed to (Westmead Hospital) hospital in Wiesmee for treatment. Three were in critical condition, but remained relatively stable.

In addition, 13 people were admitted to the hospital and 130 sought medical treatment.

The Knockout Games of Destiny campaign claims to be "the largest indoor music event in the Southern Hemisphere", with up to 18,000 people participating.

A total of 62 people were found to hold drug, including an 18-year-old woman, with 390 tablets of MDMA capsules, new state police said. The woman, accused of supplying illicit drugs, will appear in (Burwood Local Court) District Court on Jan. 10.

A 25-year-old man with 145 tablets of MDMA capsule was also charged with supplying prohibited drugs and possession of prohibited drugs. Three others were charged with drug-related charges.

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