
TAFE computer system error, more than four hundred thousand score entry failed

[Social News]     05 Jul 2018
(photo of Sydney Morning Herald)According to the Sydney Morning Herald, more than 400,000 scores could not be entered into the student management system of (TAFE), the New State Institute of Vocational and Technical Education. This system error will affect the agency`s teachers and students, and may also affect funding.
TAFE computer system error, more than four hundred thousand score entry failed

(photo of Sydney Morning Herald)

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, more than 400,000 scores could not be entered into the student management system of (TAFE), the New State Institute of Vocational and Technical Education. This system error will affect the agency`s teachers and students, and may also affect funding.

"We admit that our poor student management system is complex and inefficient," wrote Blake (Jon Black), managing director of TAFE, a new state, in an email to employees last week. But we`ve been trying to make sure that all student records, including score entry, are up-to-date. "

"more than four hundred thousand scores cannot be entered, so we will not receive training fees and the cost will have to be reduced," the e-mail added. At the same time, it means that the teacher must complete the score entry before the end of the semester. "

A Sydney-based TAFE director said that students may be delayed in obtaining test scores and transcripts, and that many teachers need to do a lot of extra work to solve the problem. She said problems with score entry and registration persist, often at the beginning and end of each semester: "Teachers feel frustrated and angry, students feel pain, but are told to endure the system. It takes two minutes to half an hour to find a missing grade. "

According to Blake`s e-mail, about 404460 students were admitted to TAFE last year, but funding for the school could be cut because of a system problem, as the amount of money is related to the amount of training provided.

A spokesman for TAFE, a new state, did not say how many students would be affected, but said it was currently developing a new (Student Management Services) solution for student management services, which is expected to begin in October.

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