
Giralang, Australian Capital Territory, 2617

  ranked 91 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Aggregate Data of Giralang
Postal code: 2617 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 8.8, ranked 91 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Population: 3304, ranked 44 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Measurement: 2.4412 km2 , ranked 69 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Population density: 1353.43 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 8.2 km
Average level of education: 11.28 years , ranked 68 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median yearly personal income: 46592 AUD , ranked 65 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly personal income: 896 AUD , ranked 65 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly family income: 2320 AUD , ranked 42 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly household income: 1993 AUD , ranked 46 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Giralang suburbs nearby
Crace 2911
Kaleen 2617
McKellar 2617
Palmerston 2913
Evatt 2617
Nicholls 2913
Spence 2615
Bruce 2617
Melba 2615
Updated: 2019-05-12 11:55:12