West Melbourne

West Melbourne, Victoria, 3003

  ranked 125 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Aggregate Data of West Melbourne
State: Victoria
Postal code: 3003
Overall rating: 9.0, ranked 125 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Population: 3743, ranked 272 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Measurement: 6.5927 km2 , ranked 175 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Population density: 567.75 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 3.2 km
Average level of education: 11.66 years , ranked 13 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median yearly personal income: 41496 AUD , ranked 45 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median weekly personal income: 798 AUD , ranked 45 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median weekly family income: 2002 AUD , ranked 90 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median weekly household income: 1700 AUD , ranked 85 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Attraction near West Melbourne
Flagstaff Gardens
West Melbourne suburbs nearby
Kensington 3031
Docklands 3008
North Melbourne 3051
Port Melbourne 3207
Flemington 3031
Footscray 3011
Parkville 3052
Seddon 3011
Melbourne 3000
Updated: 2019-05-19 03:21:34