Park Avenue

Park Avenue, Queensland, 4701

  ranked 35 in all 44 suburbs of Rockhampton
Aggregate Data of Park Avenue
State: Queensland
Overall rating: 6.2, ranked 35 in all 44 suburbs of Rockhampton
Population: 5367, ranked 7 in all 44 suburbs of Rockhampton
Measurement: 4.9621 km2 , ranked 34 in all 44 suburbs of Rockhampton
Population density: 1081.6 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 2.5 km
Average level of education: 10.48 years , ranked 28 in all 44 suburbs of Rockhampton
Median yearly personal income: 28132 AUD , ranked 32 in all 44 suburbs of Rockhampton
Median weekly personal income: 541 AUD , ranked 32 in all 44 suburbs of Rockhampton
Median weekly family income: 1197 AUD , ranked 38 in all 44 suburbs of Rockhampton
Median weekly household income: 995 AUD , ranked 36 in all 44 suburbs of Rockhampton
Attraction near Park Avenue
Kershaw Gardens
Park Avenue suburbs nearby
Coowonga 4702
Rockhampton City 4700
Berserker 4701
Pink Lily 4702
The Common 4701
Allenstown 4700
Depot Hill 4700
Koongal 4701
Frenchville 4701
Updated: 2019-06-13 11:00:02