
Osborne, South Australia, 5017

  ranked 278 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Aggregate Data of Osborne
Postal code: 5017 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 7.4, ranked 278 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Population: 1840, ranked 208 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Measurement: 0.8813 km2 , ranked 268 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Population density: 2087.82 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 17.5 km
Average level of education: 10.6 years , ranked 303 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median yearly personal income: 23036 AUD , ranked 310 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly personal income: 443 AUD , ranked 310 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly family income: 1134 AUD , ranked 290 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly household income: 918 AUD , ranked 278 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Osborne suburbs nearby
Taperoo 5017
North Haven 5018
Largs North 5016
Outer Harbor 5018
Largs Bay 5016
Peterhead 5016
Exeter 5019
Birkenhead 5015
Semaphore 5019
Updated: 2019-05-11 10:09:18