Postal code: 4117 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 6.1, ranked 252 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Population: 35, ranked 253 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Measurement: 10.0454 km2 , ranked 45 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Population density: 3.48 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 19.1 km
Average level of education: 10.45 years , ranked 239 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median yearly personal income: 13312 AUD , ranked 255 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median weekly personal income: 256 AUD , ranked 255 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median weekly family income: 500 AUD , ranked 254 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median weekly household income: 433 AUD , ranked 254 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane