
Ingleburn, New South Wales, 2565

  ranked 237 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Aggregate Data of Ingleburn
Postal code: 2565 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Denham Court
Macquarie Links
Overall rating: 8.8, ranked 237 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Population: 13902, ranked 61 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Measurement: 12.4232 km2 , ranked 72 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Population density: 1119.04 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 35.3 km
Average level of education: 10.76 years , ranked 407 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median yearly personal income: 28964 AUD , ranked 408 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly personal income: 557 AUD , ranked 408 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly family income: 1375 AUD , ranked 441 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly household income: 1210 AUD , ranked 450 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Ingleburn suburbs nearby
Denham Court 2565
Macquarie Fields 2564
Macquarie Links 2565
Minto 2566
Bow Bowing 2566
Varroville 2566
Raby 2566
Glenfield 2167
Kearns 2558
Updated: 2019-05-23 07:41:37