Golden Square

Golden Square, Victoria, 3555

  ranked 11 in all 47 suburbs of Bendigo
Aggregate Data of Golden Square
State: Victoria
Postal code: 3555 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Golden Gully
Kangaroo Flat
Overall rating: 8.5, ranked 11 in all 47 suburbs of Bendigo
Population: 8302, ranked 2 in all 47 suburbs of Bendigo
Measurement: 7.7817 km2 , ranked 34 in all 47 suburbs of Bendigo
Population density: 1066.86 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 2.8 km
Average level of education: 10.69 years , ranked 27 in all 47 suburbs of Bendigo
Median yearly personal income: 26728 AUD , ranked 29 in all 47 suburbs of Bendigo
Median weekly personal income: 514 AUD , ranked 29 in all 47 suburbs of Bendigo
Median weekly family income: 1162 AUD , ranked 36 in all 47 suburbs of Bendigo
Median weekly household income: 930 AUD , ranked 40 in all 47 suburbs of Bendigo
Golden Square suburbs nearby
West Bendigo 3550
Ironbark 3550
Kangaroo Flat 3555
Long Gully 3550
Bendigo 3550
Golden Gully 3555
Quarry Hill 3550
California Gully 3556
Flora Hill 3550
Updated: 2019-05-26 13:07:34