
The eggs in the Australian supermarket are sold like this!

In the face of the various kinds of eggs in the Australian supermarket, have you ever felt powerless and unable to start? Is it cheap? Or is it expensive? Cage eggs or Free range?? Do you want the regular one or the Orangic one?

Today, "Egg Talent" gave everyone popular science what these eggs are in the supermarket! Help you pick out the best "good eggs" in the supermarket!

Cage eggs

As the name implies, Cage eggs is an egg in a cage. Thousands of chickens are locked up in rows of narrow cages. They don't see the sun, they don't see the grass. They lay eggs every day, laying eggs and laying eggs. The whole chicken is full of despair!

To show you their actual living environment, dirty mess, is simply the "slum" in the chicken world! What do you think the eggs from these chickens can be "good eggs"?!

The price of this kind of egg supermarket is usually $2.99, 12 super-large eggs oh, super cheap is not!

Cage free

So what's Cage free? It's a chicken that's not in a cage!

Yes, not in the cage, but in the chicken farm, it is a larger cage, or dark chicken! The cage free eggs are also priced at $7.60 at the supermarket and 12 at around $5.

Free range

Is the legendary "walking chicken"! No cage, no chicken farm, you can run happily under nature.

But you know, this so-called "walking chicken" is not what you think it is. They can go out for a walk from time to time. But on every hectare of land, the density of hens is as high as 1500 to 20000 hens. Even if the fur is about to fall, what about Free?

You think the hen's life is that

As a matter of fact, the hens live like this, the dark, crowded barn.

Filthy chicken farms, dead chicken carcasses all over the world.

I don't know what the disease is, chicken.

How dare a chicken lay an egg like this and call it "Free range"? But there's no way. That's the truth. Most of the free range in the supermarket comes from chicken farms like this.

Although Australian media have also reported this, micro Sydney editor found when taking pictures at the supermarket, most people still did not hesitate to choose the "Free Range" eggs.

The price of these eggs in the supermarket is really not cheap, 12 eggs for $7!


Hens in the "fighting chicken", they can swim outdoors, eat insects, eat grass, do not add, no pollution, in short is the treatment of noble women! This is the real "walking chicken".

Because of the high-level treatment, this kind of chicken laying eggs is also more nutritious, really chicken than chicken, angry dead chicken ah!

Of course, this kind of lady chicken laying eggs is not cheap, 6 eggs about $5 or so, tsk, really good eggs are not cheap, cheap no good eggs ah!

But what is the use of knowing these things, no matter how the chicken is raised, it is not the eggs that come out!

Because walking chickens can move freely in the natural environment and eat natural foods (such as grass, insects and reptiles), laying eggs are much more nutritious than normal eggs, especially in vitamin A, E, Carotene and omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids are very rich.

So how do we get the eggs under the real "walking chicken"? How many hot eggs in the supermarket are attached to the Free range label ah!

1. When buying eggs, buy eggs with certified labels, such as "Australian certified Organic"

You can find it in the outer packing of the egg:

In addition, these labels are all certified "good eggs"

2. Buy a chicken home, make yourself a big chicken farmer!

High-level chickens, laying high-grade eggs, if put on for a long time, so the editor will also teach you a few measures to identify whether the eggs are fresh or not:

Appearance discrimination

Fresh eggs: the skin has small particles raised, the epidermis slightly white like a layer of frost, the color is bright

Old eggs: egg shells are smooth and shiny eggs are old eggs that have been stored for a long time

Rotten eggs: there are black spots on the skin of the eggshell, as if from the eggshell, such eggs have spoiled and must not be eaten.

Egg collision method

Place two or more eggs in your hand and gently collide with each othe

Fresh eggs: sound porcelain solid

Old eggs, rotten eggs: the sound is sullen, even empty.

Immersion discrimination

Soak the eggs in cold wate

Fresh eggs: across the water and in the bottom of the wate

Chen egg: sloping in the water and even standing up in the wate

Metamorphism: floating on the wate

Egg yolk observation

Regardless of the size of the egg, the yolk ratio must be large. Because the hormone-fed hens, due to high yield, immature oocyte development excreted out of the body, egg yolk must not be small. And good eggs, egg yolk size accounts for at least 2/3 of the open area of the whole egg.

Buying eggs is also a great knowledge, isn't there such a sentence: "you are what you eat" to live a healthy point, live a long time, it is still worth the effort to eat up and down.
