
Three live worms out of the woman's chest! Just because I like to drink this.

The woman found the lump of mammary gland, the breast took out 3 live worms during the operation, startled the doctor.

Ms. Wang, 55, from Xianning, Hubei province, felt a lump near her right armpit three years ago, sometimes empty. Later, the lump moved above the right side of the breast, sometimes round, sometimes flat, and when the pain started, the breast skin was reddish and itchy. Still, she kept her family secret and never went to the hospital for a check-up.

In recent half a year, Ms. Wang feels chest more uncomfortable, every night tosses and turns sleepless. After her daughter found something different, she was recently taken to a local hospital for a check-up. Color Doppler ultrasound found tumors in her right breast and suggested that she go to Wuhan for a look.

Last week, Ms. Wang accompanied by her family to Wuhan University Central South Hospital thyroid breast surgery. Wu Gaosong, director of the department, looked carefully and found only that his breast color Doppler showed that there was a long strip of shadow in his right breast that was as large as 5cm × 0.7cm, and that the shape of the lump was a little strange at the time.

To find out the cause, Ms. Wang performed a minimally invasive circumflex resection of the right breast tumor that afternoon.

Unexpectedly, the operation took out three long, thin white parasites,

When the bug was taken out, the head was curled up and the body was still wriggling violently.

By measuring, the shortest one is about 15 cm long, and the other two are about 25? 30 cm in length.

Ms. Wang and her family were surprised to see the insects taken out.

The doctor asked about her life history in detail, and Ms. Wang said she liked drinking raw water since she was a child. Neither live in the country, or in the city, can not change this habit, as long as thirsty, a direct injection of raw water, the family how to dissuade.

According to Dr. Chen Qiongrong of the Department of Pathology of the hospital, this is a larva of Taenia mansoni, the scientific name of which is called Schizocercosis mansoni, which often resides in the subcutaneous tissue of the breast of the patient and is caused by Schistoscosis mansoni. After entering the human body, the parcariae can not develop into adults in the intestinal tract and cause disease. When a person drinks raw water or eats food infected with parasites such as raw frog, snake, chicken or pork, the chapped head will cross the wall of the intestine or enter the blood vessels of the intestine to reach the body's organs, such as the brain, viscera or torso, on the superficial surface of the body's organs, such as the brain, viscera or torso. Such as the eye, chest wall, breast, vulva or limbs subcutaneous, manifested as wandering nodules. The worst consequences can lead to blindness, paralysis or life-threatening.

With the exception of raw water, all of these foods may carry parasites and should be eaten with caution
