
90 years ago, the Australian vaccine killed 12 children, and since then, the country has spent 90 years doing it

It takes only a moment to destroy trust, and it takes years to rebuild.

In January 1928, the port city of Bundaberg, a port city on the southeast coast of Kunzhou, was a happy and wealthy town that shocked the whole country because of a tragedy.

On Jan. 28, residents of the entire Bundaberg were alarmed, knowing that there were 18 seriously ill children lying in the hospital, and 12 of them had died within 48 hours.

Among them, the Robinson family both lost three sons, Thomas, William and Mervyn.

A day ago, they were only 21 ordinary children vaccinated with diphtheria (Diphtheria), healthy and active.

Their parents were, in a sense, vanguard because that year was the first time the Brisbane City Council had promoted the vaccine program.

In the 1920s, diphtheria was a widespread and terrifying acute respiratory infectious disease with mild fever, nausea, vomiting, sore pharynx, tonsillar leukomembrane and severe systemic poisoning, accompanied by myocarditis and failure, waiting for only death.

Just two years before the tragedy, more than 200 cases of diphtheria were reported in the Bundaberg region. In the following decade, 4073 Australian children died from diphtheria, when the United States developed a diphtheria vaccine that worked well and the mortality rate declined significantly.

The local government decided to recommend the vaccine to residents after discussion.

Mrs. Robinson, who was a nurse during World War I, doubtless believed in the power of modern medicine and technology more than anyone else. For her health, she persuaded her three sons to get a shot. 48 hours later, she only faced three small coffins. And government's £100 compensation for the dead (at the time Australia was a British self-governing territory).

And what happened to her-the most important vaccine accident in Australian history,

In the History of Australian Medical products regulations, this tragedy is the starting point for the birth and perfection of the entire Australian Medical supplies Act and the Australian TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration, Drug Administration.

After the accident, many Australian families do not believe in vaccines. Including Mrs. Robinson, in 1930, she welcomed a new child, Ray, now 88, who said he had not been vaccinated against diphtheria.

Yes, a tragedy destroyed trust, how to fix it?

The country spent 90 years doing it.

In fact, the diphtheria vaccine that killed 12 children is a real vaccine and the product itself has no problems.

In fact, in all the details of the search, there was no incident in Australia caused by a fake vaccine.

In fact, it was in the course of investigating the accident that a jazz man, Frank Macfarlane Burnet, developed an enormous interest in the human immune system and eventually won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1960, which, of course, is the end of the story.

In a World Health Organization survey, Australia has the lowest transmission rate of counterfeit drugs in the world, less than 1 percent, and the vast majority from abroad, with individuals circulating through some online channels, compared with 11 percent in some countries.

The final cause of the accident in 1928 was that during the storage of the vaccine, the cold storage environment was not up to standard and the vaccine was contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus.

Although the vaccine is produced in aseptic form, it does not contain antibacterial agents and is repeatedly used in large-dose bottles with rubber covers.

In January Australia, temperatures could be as high as 40 degrees, vaccine bottles are used repeatedly within 10 days, bacterial infection is inevitable.

Since then, all vaccines have been produced in Australia in sterile single-dose bottles, including bottles that must be transparent, easy to check for turbidity, and have strict cold-chain storage standards. There are strict labelling regulations.

Of course, it's just the tip of the iceberg it's picking.

This was followed by a dramatic change in Australia's entire immunization management system.

In the WHO survey, Australia's low rate of counterfeit drugs was attributed to strict Australian regulation.

As a federal system of countries, Australia's federal and state, local government has different legislation and management rights.

Although the government in various localities can manage doctors' qualifications and so on, Australia has been aware from an early age that the approval of drug production, import and sale, and the right of registration and administration must be introduced into a strong organization and unified management. The whole process of supervision.

Year Nineteen Eighty-nine, Australian Federation government passed the Medical supplies Management Act (Nineteen Eighty-nine), but 60 years ago, the Australian Medical products Regulation History described a rigorous set of laws, an advanced set of laws, in a full 181-page history. Complete management system step-by-step process of forming.

Australia is also recognized as one of the world's toughest drug management and market access countries.

These include the world's most rigorous vaccine testing and registration system.

1, full-range monitoring, 10-year test

Australian vaccine development, testing and production, each link is strictly monitored, in addition to government, there are third-party regulation, every step of the quantitative record, each vaccine components of the test, including preservatives, additives and vaccine adjuvants. Taking storage as an example, the time interval between the shipment and arrival of vaccines and the temperature of daily storage freezers and freezers are specified. The person in charge of the storage site should also formulate an emergency plan to deal with sudden power outages or mechanical failures.

Ninety years after the 1928 vaccine accident, a vaccine in Australia is now tested for up to 10 years. It takes thousands of pages of material to be prepared before approval.

And once on the market, there is also a need to continuously test the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.

2, registration

In Australia, all vaccines put into use must first be registered with the Australian Drug Administration (TGA),) to ensure that the vaccine is effective and that the production process is rigorous. Once counterfeit drugs are identified and pose a serious threat to public health, TGA will work with state and local government to closely monitor the supply chain, prevent these counterfeit drugs from entering the market and destroy them in a timely manner. Criminal and civil penalties under the Medical supplies Act (Nineteen Eighty-nine) include possible imprisonment for up to seven years and heavy fines.

3. Networking to report adverse reactions

Australia has a national electronic surveillance system that feeds back all vaccine providers, vaccine buyers, doctors, vaccine test participants, events or activities after vaccination with (AEFI) to the TGA and the health sector. In this way, if there is a problem with the vaccine, the supplier concerned, the flow of the vaccine, the use of the vaccine doctor can be identified as soon as possible. The public is ready to report, and all reports are open and transparent to the public.

4, personal vaccine records

Australia has detailed guidelines for the use of vaccines, as can be seen from a pile of detailed information and detailed forms that need to be filled out by medical personnel before each vaccination, and after the child has been vaccinated, Vaccines, both inside and outside Australia, need to be documented by doctors in the Childhood Immunisation Register system, and access to vaccine records is complete and effective for children to enroll in school. Recently, Australia's government has also implemented a no-vaccination, no-school policy.

Australian vaccines do not have category II vaccines and self-procurement, all regulated by the government, and under a well-developed health care system, there is a free vaccine programme for 4-year-olds, including pertussis, HPV, Vaccines such as flu have also been added to the free program for specific people.

A look at free vaccines in Australia

Birth: hepatitis B

2 to 6 months: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, haemophilia, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, pneumococci, rotavirus

12 months: meningococcal; measles, mumps and rubella; pneumococcus

18 months: bloodthirsty influenza B; diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis; measles, mumps, rubella and varicella

Age 4: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis; pneumococcus

10 to 15 years old: HPV; diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis

Over 65: pneumococci (23vPPV); herpes zoste

Influenza: children under 5 years of age, older persons over 65 years of age, pregnant women free of charge

For more information, please refer to the government Web site:

90 years on, Australia's under-five vaccination rate has exceeded 93%, and the government target is 95%.

Immunization avoids between 2 million and 3 million deaths a year, according to the World Health Organization, and is one of the most effective ways to fight infectious diseases.

Australia hopes that people will not be shrouded in the shadow of 90 years ago. In fact, not many people already remember it. After all, Ray, who has lost three brothers, is 88 years old.

(1928 Bundaberg History Photo)

In recent years, Australia has stepped up efforts to promote vaccines, this year, also announced that no vaccines, no benefits.

The tough line has also met with some discontent, but it also knows that efforts must be made to allay doubts about vaccines, to rely on naturally strong management, sound regulations, and zero tolerance for accidents.

However, the risk has not disappeared.

Vaccine accidents occur from time to time in Australia, after all, the risk of vaccine itself still exists, and there are management problems such as the use of expired vaccines.

In 2010, Western Australia's little girl, Saba Button, 11 months old, suffered damage to her brain and organs after she was vaccinated against Fluvax.

His parents filed a lawsuit in federal court against vaccine maker CSL Ltd. CSL sued government and the Director of Health in Western Australia. Eventually the case was settled, and the settlement fee was said to be millions of Australian dollars.

Fluvax has since been banned from injecting children under the age of five.

Australia has been calling for the establishment of a national vaccine compensation system, the establishment of a special fund and government funding to compensate victims of vaccine damage, including the United States of America has established the system in 19 countries and regions.

It is said that China has also expressed interest in the compensation system, good, let's start with this Changchun Changsheng two hundred and fifty thousand problem vaccine, because the three million four hundred and forty two thousand nine hundred yuan fine must not be the end, only the beginning, the future is still a long way to go.

Australia has spent 90 years, still trying!


