
On the streets of Sydney, you must have seen this Chinese-born 'old cunt' dressed in a different kind with a dog! But many of the stories behind him, you probably don't know.

Whether you're going to take part in any kind of sports event,

Take public transport

Or take a stroll on the busy streets of downtown Sydney.

There's always a Chinese grandfather coming into your sight:

He had long white hai

Always smiling on the face

There's one next to it.

A chihuahuahuaobo named Smarty.

His name is Danny Lim.

His most impressive,

In addition to the iconic look,

And all the placards he carried with him.

These slogans include a variety of contents:

Climate change, health care, education, politics, etc.

Over the past decade or so,

He has been making silent protests in the streets.

But in 2015,

The 74-year-old man

But because of the content on one of the signboards,

And has since embarked on the road to fight Australian law.

In 2015, Albert remained Australia's prime minister.

At that time, Danny Lim created a new signboard,

Hang on your body and take to the street.

The content on the signboard is:

“Peace smile.

People can change.

Tony you can’t.”

There seems to be nothing wrong with the words above,

But when it comes to printing,

He deliberately

The "a" in can't rotates 180 degrees.

Can't becomes c*nt.

He wanted to insult Albert in this implied way.

When many passers-by saw the slogan, they just smiled,

But when the police saw the slogan, they thought

This is an "unreasonable act".

He was fined A $500.

Such allegations, however, met with strong opposition from Mr. Lim.

He said:

[法] denial

No fine will be paid

Will fight for it to the end.

Not long ago,

As soon as he changed his old dress,

Dressed in a suit in Sydney, Downing Centre..

He refused to accept his freedom of expression and was censored by the authorities concerned,

A decision to refuse to accept a fine.

In an interview with a reporter,

He described himself as a social activist.

To defend their right to protest,

He did not hesitate to appeal to the Supreme Court.

"it's already a matter of principle."

He said。

"this has to do with freedom of expression,

Because for me,

Political correctness has been overdone. "

"my slogan is not intended to offend others.

They are about peace, love and making people smile. "

Mr. Lim's lawyer, Danny Wrench.

I think Mr. Lim did.

"the right to freedom of information and communication",

So you can use such words on slogans.

Mr. Wrench took over the case on a pro bono basis.

Because this case could involve constitutional challenges,

Therefore, the other states must be informed of the trial before it can proceed.

Hundreds of supporters of Mr. Lim volunteered to donate more than $700 to him.

I want to pay the $500 ticket for him.

But Mr. Lim refused,

He must defend himself in court for his rights.

Back in 2015,

Mr. Lim said in an interview that

He's worried about some new immigrants who don't have a good command of English in Australia.

You may lose interest in politics as a result.

"what's going on in me is going to frighten everyone," he said.

They may never want to be involved again. "


The contents of the placard he made.

Most of the targets are directed at the current prime minister, Trumble

And the contents of President Trump of the United States.

He also used these slogans to emphasize

Global warming, Japan's Whaling Program

And LGBTI's equal rights, and so on.

According to Mr. Lim,

His inspiration came from the people and things around him.

Mr. Lim's status as a "social activist"

It goes back to the beginning of 2000.

At that time, he was responsible for a member of the Senate

And the corruption situation in the local Council,

So he put on the sign and put it on.

Standing in front of the council for the third year in a row.

So by the end of 2008,

He was elected as a district councilor.


He "rose to fame",

Everyone knows he is the weirdest congressman in Sydney.

He refused to take a photo and put it on the council's website,

He even asked for a picture of his dog instead.

While taking the picture on the business card,

He also said:

"can I bring Smarty with me?"

The result was later rejected by the staff.

In an election of mayors and deputy mayors,

Because of the vote stalemate,

He suggested drawing lots for the decision.


This election has also become a new state in 123 years of history.

For the first time, the mayor was elected in this way.

But in 2010,

He received a threatening letter,

The letter not only threatened to kill him,

And kill his beloved Smarty..

So he chose to retire.
