
The Brisbane photographer photographed the meteor photo, which is perfect.

Meteor photo taken by Trayton (Messenger Post Photo)

Last night, photographer (Craig Turton) came to a quiet dam north of Brisbane with a camera. He did not expect him to capture the spectacular scene of the meteor falling.

According to the Messenger Post, photographer Tutton had planned to use the refreshing cloudless night to shoot stars reflected in the (North Pine Dam) of the North Pine Dam.

At that time, Tutton took a 15-second exposure toward the southwest and suddenly saw a huge flash of light.

"I saw it fall from the sky, so I just wanted to catch it during the exposure," Tutton said. "the meteor crossed the photo 2/3. It happened in the right place, at the right time."

It is reported that the popularity across the night sky around 10:00 last night, thousands of residents in southeastern Queensland witnessed or heard whistling.

Many people show off on the social Web site to show off the meteor, and the public has said that their home has been rattled or shaken, especially in the northern and western parts of Brisbane.

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