
The Opal card loophole cost goverment $1.3 million, but most people knew about it for a while

New state goverment lost at least $1.3 million due to an Opal card vulnerability!

What loophole! I don't know.

Why do I encounter opal card loopholes to give me extra money! / (a) / ~

What is this loophole?

Some anonymous Opal cards are swiped until they run out of money for (low balance), and some users get out of the car, swipe negative numbers, and throw them away.

If you want to recycle the Opal card, the user will have to make up the negative balance.

So many people simply throw away bearer cards and buy a new one.

The loophole is particularly apparent on the airport line.

As we all know, public transport to the airport costs more than $15 a time.

The Opal card shows that the low balance can still be brushed up.

In this way, when getting off at the airport stop, Tap Off took a look and lost more than ten yuan! (dark cool ~)

And then the card was abandoned mercilessly!

After all, there is no charge for buying a new opal card.

There might have been some people who didn't know about this bug...

This may know more people!

Many passengers said they did throw several cards that way.

But to hear the loss of $1.3 million, still find this figure very shocking.

The goverment department said it would find ways to address the loophole, make it fair and allow passengers to do the right thing.

Most of the comments made by netizens are "Why not?".

"I just threw the bus card, but the transportation system is so expensive, what is this loss?"

"how many lost cards still have a balance in it, and why doesn't this goverment count how much they made?"
