
Australian media reveal where Melbourne's rich and poor districts are, and look at Sydney and Australia's rankings at the same time

The gap between the wealthiest and poorest urban areas of Melbourne and Sydney is widening, according to Fairfax Media's analysis of the Australian Revenue Authority's (ATO) data, the Times reported.

According to data, Toorak still enjoys the reputation of "Melbourne's wealthiest region." The average after-tax wage for the residents of the district is almost five times that of the poorest Springvale area! More than a decade ago, the gap was only 3.5 times.

Melbourne's richest district: Toorak

In the past 11 years, Toorak residents' annual income has jumped from $95416 to $173, 808, a growth rate of 82%!

In Melbourne's poorest city, the average annual income of Springvale, residents grew from $27047 to $36421 per cent over the same period, only slightly higher than the inflation rate.

Melbourne's lowest average income zone: Springvale

In the eastern and southern parts of Melbourne, where income levels are higher, average incomes are growing much faster than in other non-rich regions, according to the latest data. The income gap in Melbourne's top 10 rich and poor areas is roughly the same.

Apart from Portsea, the other rich areas are mainly scattered in the eastern part of Kew to Canterbury to Albert Park and Brighton Bay in Philip Bay. Average income growth in these regions was the lowest at 63%, while the highest was 94%.

Melbourne's fourth-richest district,: Albert Park

Of course, the poor's income is growing, except that the growth in other regions is relatively low, in addition to the Rosebud West in Morningington Penisula.

These areas are mainly located in the southeastern, northwest and western regions of Melbourne (including Broadmeadows,Doveton and Frankston North), average income growth rates of 35% and 51%).

Average weekly salary level for Frankston North

John Daley, chief executive of Grattan Institute, a public policy think-tank at Australia's government, said the data obtained by Grattan also pointed to the widening gap between rich and poor in Melbourne, not just at the level of income and income growth. It is also reflected in the level of education and the employment rate of women. "the gap is widening, and it's really a problem," Daley said.

But he also stressed that Australia's disparity between rich and poor is little compared to that of the United States: in Australia, incomes in the poorest regions have increased by about 30% over the past decade, and at the bottom of the United States. During the same period, residents' income did not increase at all.

American slums

The following are Melbourne's top ten rich and poor regions:

Melbourne's top 10 rich regions:

Melbourne's top 10 poor regions:

Among Sydney's top 10 rich regions, the highest ranking is still the region with a zip code of 2027, represented by Darling Point. The district's average taxable income was $189, 293, up 32 percent from more than a decade ago.

Sydney Darling Point

Second-third were two eastern urban areas: Vaucluse and Bellevue Hill, with taxable income of $185684 (57% more than a decade ago) and $163820 (41% more than a decade ago). Ten years ago, the second-third Hunters Hill and Northbridge fell to fifth sixth.

Sydney Vaucluse

Overall, six of Sydney's ten richest regions are in the east. The north, where the rich gathered more than a decade ago, now has only four regions in the top ten.

Sydney Bellevue Hill

Bill Randoph, a research expert at the University of New South Wales, said the rise in the East was mainly affected by ageing trends and rising inequality between rich and poor.

The rising East side of Sydney

"the rich areas are becoming more and more concentrated. The upper class tends to gather rather than spread out. The East side's appeal is obvious-well-planned, well-positioned, well-landscaped, habitable and easier to gain social identity. In contrast, the sense of social identity living in the north coast is not obvious, "Randop h said.

Here are the latest top 10 rich areas in Sydney. Let's see if your place is on the list!
