
There was a string of Christmas stockings hanging in the park near Sydney port, and many people saw it crying

According to the Daily Mail, a long ribbon linked by Christmas socks hung on the lawn of Sydney Harbor Park during Christmas.

When people see this long string of Christmas socks, many people think it's an ornament for celebrating the New year.

But in fact, this seemingly festive string of Christmas socks is a reminder of the tragedy.

For the sad Christmas stockings.

A total of 91 Christmas stockings were neatly arranged, each marked with Male or Female, and a number at the bottom.

Each Christmas stocking actually represents the death of a car accident in Australia between December 18, 2017 and January 7, 2018.

One of the youngest socks says "7."

[医]road traffic accident

There were so many lives on the day when the family was supposed to be together, as the road traffic accident passed away, the families were torn apart during the holidays, which were supposed to be full of love and laughter.

According to the report, the main cause of these tragedies is the increase in the number of drivers and the soaring number of drunk drivers during the holidays.

Speeding, illegal use of mobile phones and fatigue driving are also important causes of accidents.

In the past year, 1050 people in Australia have died as a result of traffic accidents, and the families who have lost their loved ones are in such a mood as to greet the first Christmas without them.

Avoid tragedy

These 91 hanging Christmas socks, which were supposed to represent joy and expectation, now remind people that all their lost lives will never come back, encouraging people to pay attention to traffic safety issues.

Take responsibility for your life, for your family.

When the accident came, no one would have thought that the doom would suddenly fall on one's own head.

So, never think, "this won't happen to me!"

Take care of every trip to avoid tragedy!
