
Do the Chinese in Australia have an Australian accent?

Why do Australian accents differ from Canadians, Americans, Britons and New Zealanders? The answer seems to have a lot to do with who you were with when you were a child.

Your accent depends on who you were with when you were a child, and the history of where you live.

If you grew up in Australia, your accent was determined by the European colonial history of Australia; if you grew up in New Zealand, your accent was determined by different histories, so it certainly sounds different.

It is natural for us to talk about the people around us in a similar way, a characteristic that is evident in children.

Friends have the greatest influence on your accent.

Talking with the same accent shows the relationship between you and your friends-it means you belong to this group. This is how the new accent begins to form.

So the answer is simple-children play a very important role in creating new accents.

Australian accents originated in children

It is important to remember that before the Europeans came to Australia, Aboriginal people had been using their own language for thousands of years, so English was a foreign language for them.

As we know today, Australian accents stem from the children of criminals, soldiers and other Europeans more than 200 years ago.

Parents speak in various English accents because they come from many different parts of Britain.

But their Australian-born children formed friendship groups and began to talk in a more similar way than their parents.

Year after year, children's accents have been passed down from generation to generation, becoming the main accent of Australian English.

There are many different kinds of Australian accents.

1965, linguist A.G. A. G. Mitchell and Arthur. In his book, Delbridge (Arthur Delbridge) writes that Australia has three different types of accents: "rough", referring to Steve. Owen (Steve Irwin), 's second category is "popular," referring to the host of Australia's Morning TV show Sunrise > (Sunrise), and the third is "elegant", a bit like Kate. Blanchett (Cate Blanchett) 's English accent.

But the reality is much more complicated than that.

Australian accents have evolved over the past 200 years. Australian society and people have changed and there are now many different types of Australian accents.

There are Australian accents from the cities, from the countryside, from different parts of Australia, from the aborigines of Australia, from Lebanon, Greece, Italy, Vietnam, China and India.

These are Australian accents.

However, Australian accents are different from those of the United States, Canada or New Zealand, because these accents are created by children who grew up in different communities and historical backgrounds.

The accent has something to do with who we grew up with.

People who grow up in Australia usually spend a lot of time with other Australians, which is why they speak Australian accents rather than American, Canadian or New Zealand accents.

Different types of Australian accents also help Australians build emotional ties with Australia.

Because the accent gives people a sense of belonging and a sense of home.

The writer is an associate professor at Macquarie university in Felicity Cox
