
2020 'Mouse' at your budding meeting.

craftsman's college: our slogan: to find a craftsman, to take offer, and to reject the business of IT-related business, such as IT community, university tutoring, skill training, job-seeking training, etc.: it covers the IT job search group, Sydney, Brisbane, the Melbourne local group, the big front end, Php, AI, block chain, Java, Mobile, Laraval, and so on. It also proves that our IT people are a group of people with a passion, an ideal and a more loving group: to cover all the cities and universities in Australia, to provide IT/ CS-related classes/ 1V1 tutoring, and to provide escort courses, pre-examination and pre-examination classes, and work-intensive classes. 1 v1 Private custom courses and other skills training: a zero-base web-based training course, a web-based full-stack training course, a zero-base data analyst course, a data full-stack course, an AWS certificate project course, a DevOps project practice course, a Java project practice course, a BA project class, a project internship program, Job-hunting training such as home-to-country project course: resume modification, interview guide, career planning, simulation interview, Tech technical guidance, web/ data/ product manager job-seeking employment full-package guidance, etc., home-based employment service, etc.

Here are the classmates you want to meet, clear your obstacles, have common topics, solve homework, exams, eat, drink and play locally. There are also lovely seniors and sisters, there are also school Tutor to answer your questions, we write on behalf of the advertisement is not reliable, scan my QR code to invite you into the group.

2020 "Mouse" at your budding meeting.

Scan the code into a new group, meet a new classmate, and start a new life.

Get in touch with the artist Xiaole for more information.

Official website certification:

Social app contact: sydneyjiangren
