
Why should I let my children learn Chinese

Why should I let my children learn Chinese

Friends often ask me," Why do you all take root in America, and why do you want to have your own baby?"



In fact, learning Chinese is really not an easy thing for our children. They grow up to speak english, even if they speak some chinese at home, but they speak english in school and everywhere else. Plus the difference between Chinese and English is still big, there are no shortcuts to take. But perhaps because of their own inner trouble, or because of the psychological special complex, I did not want to let their children give up learning Chinese.


More than 100 million foreigners in the world are learning Chinese. There are celebrities such as the granddaughter of US President Donald Trump and the children of financial giants.


Last time I read the news, four states in the United States have made Chinese compulsory. Looking at other countries, the growing number of chinese schools in europe, russia ranks chinese as a college entrance examination subject. I think Chinese has really become a very important language in the world. Think of this, think of my own children. As parents, always for the children long, and we are such a Chinese family in the language advantage, we usually, at home can also have the opportunity to practice, holidays can also take the children home to see, learn more about Chinese culture. These are good things.




In addition to this, if there's any reason, I think some of the information I've shared on the Boston University website can give me these answers:

1.China is one of the world’s oldest and richest continuous cultures, over 5000 years old.

2.China is the most populous nation in the world, with 1.28 billion people.

3.One fifth of the planet speaks Chinese.Mandarin Chinese is the mother tongue of over 873 million people, making it the most widely spoken first language in the world.

4.In addition to the People’s Republic of China, Mandarin Chinese is also spoken in the important and influential Chinese communities of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore,Brunei, the Philippines, and Mongolia.

5.China is the second largest economy in the world.

6.China is one of largest trading partners of the United States.

7.Many US companies do business in China and have long-term investments there.

I think my child, as a Chinese, will need to face different visions or opinions as he grows up. I do not want their own children to their own cognitive bias, in front of the students to escape inferiority complex, tracing back to the source is often a kind of liberation, the more you understand your past, the deeper you will benefit your present and future, no memories, no freedom. If you don't know who you are, freedom is impossible. I think my kids should be free.


I don't know if it's my influence on him, the existence and growth of my son is something that has always made me feel very proud. Now at home, it is often he who takes the initiative to speak a few words of Chinese to me, but also said that I want to take him to see the Forbidden City snow. Recently, his Chinese tutor also taught him a Chinese poem, although I heard several times to know that he is reading "not snow, for the dark fragrance to come," but the heart still feel very happy, now can read poetry, I am very proud of him. Of course, thanks to his teacher's guidance here.



Hope my children can always be healthy and happy to continue to learn and progress, but also wish I can grow with the growth of children, parenting is also a lifelong career, I will strive to do it well!
