
The Brisbane pet dog goes to the meat shop every day to ask for bones, ten years like a day!

Fletcher, the Golden Hound, goes to the local butcher shop on time every day (Photo No. 7)

Dogs are known for their unswerving loyalty, but are not usually loyal to local butchers.

Fletcher, a Brisbane hound in Queensland, has been visiting a local butcher shop every day for the past 10 years, according to Radio 7. On the same road, at the same time, this extremely loyal customer waits at the back door of the butcher shop until it gets what it wants.

"when he refused to leave, we gave him a bone and he left," said Cohn (Nick Cowen), owner of Boutique Meats's butcher. The next day it came again, and ten years later. "

Fletcher's favorite food is lamb meat. For 10 years, Fletcher's owner, Ford (Maddie Ford), had to come and let them be "stingy."

"We used to give Fletcher large pieces of bone to see how much it could eat," Cowen said. Later, Ford came over and told us that Fletcher was too fat to eat. "

Because of arthritis, Fletcher now spends a little longer going to the butcher shop. Its hearing is not as good as it used to be. But don't be fooled by these places, Fletcher's sense of smell, direction and appetite are pretty good.

Ford smiled and said, "every day is the same." When it comes to it, it disappears. "
