
Unexpected call for help. Grass, mud, horse trapped in Sydney dam.

On the morning of May 28 th, fire and rescue workers received an unexpected call for help. An alpaca is stuck in a dam in northwest Sydney.

Resident staff Bill Smith (Bill Smith) said they received a call for help on the morning of May 28 and rushed to Delhi, London. Smith said the alpaca looked "depressed".

With the help of a technical rescue convoy, firefighters tied lassoons on alpacas and dragged them out of the mud. "it was a successful rescue." Smith said.

The alpaca appears to be in good health and will be examined by a veterinarian later.

Brooke (Brock Cauchi), the owner of the alpaca, who received the alpaca on his 14th birthday in 2011, said it might have been trapped for more than four hours.

At first, he said, omnipotence was only about half a meter into it.

"he was really anxious when he got in there, but when he was rescued, he started running." Said Coach.
