
Ten of Australia's most popular housing districts, where is the best place to co-rent?

According to real estate website Realestate, renting site Flatmates has announced 10 of Australia's hottest co-rental urban areas. Not all of these towns are located in the trendy areas of Sydney and Melbourne, some of which may surprise you.

Housing prices in Australia have risen 6.3 percent over the past year, according to (Property Outlook report), the latest housing outlook report by Realestate, a property website, and Australians' dream of housing has become more and more distant. At the same time, rental housing has become increasingly difficult to afford.

Australia's weekly rents rose 1.1 percent on average in the first quarter of this year, according to a recent report from property data analyst CoreLogic. Now, not only are young students, there are more types of groups considering co-renting to lighten the burden.

Conitz than (Nerida Conisbee), chief economist at REA Group, a digital real estate advertising agency, points out that co-renting is a good way to live in places like Sydney's inner city where rents are expensive. For the elderly, co-renting also means that someone can be a companion, share family costs, and be taken care of in an emergency.

So, what kind of urban areas can attract which groups looking for joint rental housing?

Konizby said that although the number of elderly people who chose to rent a house increased, but mainly young people. Therefore, urban areas with convenient living facilities are more attractive, including close to retail shops, bars, restaurants and nightlife places.

So, not surprisingly, Melbourne's trendy Fitzroy (Fitzroy) and Collinwood (Collingwood) are two of the hottest co-ops. The median weekly rent for the Fitzroy co-rental is A $294, far lower than the A $450 per week for a one-bedroom apartment in the same city. In addition, these two urban areas are located in the inner city, Fitzroy is only 2 km from CBD, Coringwood is 3 km. Urban areas close to the city centre have become popular co-rental areas, in part because they are more expensive and may have many people working in the CBD area.

In addition, close to the beach and university urban areas are also more popular. Gold Coast's Brode Beach (Broadbeach), for example, became the No. 3 hot co-rental town due to its proximity to the beach. Canberra's (Braddon), O'Connor and Donna (Turner) are popular for their proximity to the Australian National University (Australian National University) and downtown.

The southeastern city of Melbourne is ranked 10th in popularity, 18 kilometers from CBD, but close to Monash University (Monash University).

In addition, seasonal effects also have an impact on the popularity of urban co-rental housing, and the popularity of coastal urban areas in summer will be higher.

Ten of Australia's hottest co-rental housing districts:

1. Melbourne Fitzroy (Fitzroy), median weekly rental A $294;

2. Melbourne Corinwood (Collingwood), median weekly rental A $280;

3. Gold Coast Brode Beach (Broadbeach), median weekly rent A $239;

4. Median weekly rent of Braden (Braddon), Canberra A $238;

5. O / 39 Connor, median weekly rent A $203;

6. Median weekly rent for the Downer (Turner), Canberra, A $243;

7. The median weekly rent of Ma Erwen (Malvern), in Melbourne is A $213;

8. (Cremorne), Melbourne, median weekly rent A $289;

9. The median weekly rent of the Ainslie (Ainslie), in Canberra is A $192;

10. Melbourne Oakley (Oakleigh), median weekly rent A $192.
