
An Australian man built a monster mansion with a glowing cross to make a complaint

New state men build monster mansion causing public resentment (Daily Mail photo)

A man builds a five-story, 12-bedroom super-mansion and a glowing giant cross on the roof of the new state. Local residents are rather dissatisfied with this and lodge a complaint with the authorities.

According to the Daily Mail, the man, AbersLehman (Assaad Abousleiman), bought a land in (Lithgow), a new state, in 2011 and began building his dream mansion four years later.

The 5-storey, nearly 20-meter-high mansion features 12 bedrooms, 3 kitchens, 1 ballroom for 150 people, 1 game room and 3 balconies.

Local residents, however, were disgruntled, bashing out at the giant glowing cross at the top of the "monster building", saying the lights were causing problems. Residents are also worried that the building will be used as a church, not as an ordinary home.

New state men build monster mansion causing public resentment (Daily Mail photo)

AbersLehman argued that he was a peace enthusiast and did not want to have any disputes with his neighbors. Although the nearest neighbor is at least 1 kilometer away from his home, it takes 30 minutes to drive to the nearest town center.

"I feel lucky that I work very hard and I deserve it," said AbersLehman. But I don't know why the neighbors complain. Where are they? If the light of the cross is troubling, I will turn it off. "

AbersLehman said the house was built to have children, grandchildren and future generations to live here.
