
Resolutely give up the position of software engineer to come to Australia small town to work hard in agriculture! They just love life more.

When I first arrived in Australia, I went to a farm with a friend, so I met a Korean "contractor" couple who were going to emigrate, and the girl was a typical Korean girl at first sight.

The skin is very white and smooth, although it is one-eyed, but the eyes like crescent bay reveal a gentle breath, people are very thin and small, wearing a simple clean white dress, smile when there is a sweet little girl. It was hard to associate her with the word "farming".

Curious, so he and the young couple began to talk.

The girls said they met each other as a graduate student in the UK, got married when they returned to South Korea, and worked as a software engineer at Samsung headquarters in Seoul.

The job offered them good wages, generous benefits and a high-end working environment. Life was in fact very stable, and boys were promoted to a small head of the department last year. But despite the perfect life of such a TV series, life is becoming more and more meaningless for them.

Tired of the same life every day and the nine-to-twelve work model, despite the opposition of their families, they resolutely gave up what others saw as "high-paid jobs," and ran to Bowen, Australia, with the bustling high-rise buildings in Seoul. A small town north of Queensland, with a population of more than 10,000, has become a contractor on a small private farm.

The daily office, coffee, laptop, and so on turned into a blue sky in Baik Woo-Hwa 's endless fields and crops.

Perhaps because of the worship of engineers, I really can't understand why they have to give up all their hard work and come to Australia to do a job that is entirely labour-intensive. They even felt that their desperate behavior was a bit crazy and hysterical.

"We're going to be 30 years old, and when we work in Seoul, we live with computers every day. It's true that the job can make us a lot of money, but I can't imagine that we spend more time with computers every day than we spend with each other, even if we're in the same company, we rarely have time to meet.

Moreover, within the company, there are strict rules of conduct for employees. For example, you can see that the phones we use are all made by Samsung itself. Although we also want to use phones from other brands, because we are employees of Samsung, the company does not allow us to do so. All this is bound and not free. Day after day, we are slowly wiping out our enthusiasm for life. "

After listening to this, I slowly began to understand their choice. It's just, if you're tired of your job, why not change your job?

"I believe you know that Korean society is a very competitive place, you must not relax, lax will be easy to be replaced by others, so everyone takes overtime as a necessary option for work. At some point no one leaves the office, every time off work is like a endurance race, like who leaves the office first, who loses. But we don't want to, we want to have the time to enjoy life, we also need our own space, which is what life means to us. In Korea, I don't think we have access to such a social environment. "

Yes, in a highly competitive social environment, many people are used to comparing their lives with others, always because they have to cater to other people's opinions and expectations and then force themselves to keep moving forward. Time spent on the comparison, put the mind on others, over time, life is more and more unremarkable. You need to know, how do you treat life, life will treat you, how can you live without enthusiasm and how can there be temperature?

So, we just want to leave this place where we are full of disappointment.

Why should we choose to work in agriculture

After listening to their description, I began to understand what Australia meant to them. A country with the world's top 10 happiness index, the world's highest minimum hourly wage, and an open and free social atmosphere. Isn't that what the young couple needs?

It's just, if you don't go to Sydney, Melbourne, why do you have to go to the small town to work as a farmer?

"A few years ago, because the company sent me to work in Sydney, I lived in Sydney for nearly half a year. During that time, I met a lot of local friends in Australia. One of them is the owner of the farm we're working on.-Robert. "

"at his warm invitation, I took a visit to his farm on a limited vacation before I returned home. It was an experience that had a great impact on my life. "

"We live in their house with the Robert family, get up in the morning, sit around and enjoy a hearty breakfast with the rising sun and the leisurely sound of the birds. Then they will drive into the car, take us to their eggplant farm, and see the eggplant growing up in the field full of vitality. For a girl who grew up in the city and never touched the farmland, It was all very novel. "

"We would go down to work with the Robert family, and although it was very difficult to get used to at first, Robert would always come and encourage us to work and chat and finish the day with laughter," he said. This is a way of life that we have never thought of before.

When we got home in the evening, we gathered together, cooked with the freshest ingredients, and recalled when we were in Seoul because we were too busy at work, and we had to eat out every day because we were too busy. It was this life that really made me feel a family atmosphere that I haven't had since work, so when I finished this trip and came back to Seoul, I started talking to my husband about emigration. "

Chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, these seem to be the most trivial things in life, in fact, is also the most sincere part of life. Eat a cup of water, a lamp, a table, and sit around with your favorite family in the evening to enjoy laughter and laughter. Life's most beautiful expectations, anything else?

"the good news is that he and I are tired of the mechanization of life in the city, and we have coincidentally hoped to be able to live such a simple, simple but full of warm family life like the Robert family. So we contacted Robert, and spoke to him about our thoughts. Robert was very happy to hear that, and he was very willing to help us settle down in Australia. With his help, we found an immigration lawyer and resigned. We left South Korea and started a whole new life in Bowen,. "

After listening to the whole story and seeing the happiness on the young couple's face, I'm sure they really found the life they wanted. Also because of them, I understand, the meaning of life, never chase other people's footsteps, but follow their own heart.

In Australia, everyone has their own reasons for emigration.

Some in order to be able to obtain a free right to homosexual love marriage, some in order to be able to get out of the 996 connecting mode of work, others in pursuit of higher career ideals. In short, the reasons for immigration, the story is different, but either way, must be to follow the heart of the steady happiness.

I hope that each of you, here, can live the life you want.
