
I'm going to call the police, and the designer made the dress look like a sand sculpture.

Buying clothes is an indispensable thing in our daily life, but some designers real do not take heart, even make the clothes into this sand carving look, let people see want to report to the police ah!

Can you watch the sun cap in the blue sky at any time?

Little sister, you're wearing your pants upside down.

Although the children love pandas.

But what is this TMD?!

This child's swimsuit looks like a suicide bomber.

Pictures of Putin the Great.

When you put it on.

This dress can only be read by fashion stylists.

The shoes made people want to call the police.

Adidas is printed as aids,. Can you leave the snack?

Why change the flag casually?

When did the American Stars and Stripes become Vertical stripes

The shoe on the left foot says "right", the shoe on the right foot says "left",

I feel like I'm fucked up.

Put on this dress and don't be afraid to sprinkle coffee any more.

The same jeans as the ones above.

Is it missing fabric? Why do you have to do this?

It's a tone I can't understand.

It's not the most eye-catching cowboy on the beach, is it?

Sometimes, these clothes can not help but create associations.

You tell me where you want to go.

Eight fingers can be said to be very six.

HELL (hell)

See so many strange design, think designer is also a high-risk industry ah.
