
The first example of an Australian supermarket! Woolworths plans to launch halal certificate-owned products

Woolworths will be the first supermarket in Australia to develop and sell halal certificate branded products.

According to the Australian newspaper, Woolworths will be the first supermarket in Australia to develop and sell halal certificate branded products.

It is reported that Woolworths plans to launch its own brand halal certificate products. This is part of the supermarket's broader strategy to expand its ethnic and international range of groceries to meet the needs of increasingly diverse multicultural communities.

Woolworths will develop more self-branded products and some new brands suitable for national food categories. At the same time, stores near more ethnic communities will also free up more shelf space for such groceries.

Woolworths's own halal certificate brand is known as "Al-Sadiq", meaning "real" in Arab. The brand has also received advice and certification from (Islamic Council of Queensland), the Queensland Islam Council, which Woolworths believes will help supermarkets gain the trust of Muslim customers.

It is understood that the Al-Sadiq brand will first cover chicken meat products and, if supported by local communities, will be extended to other meat and packaged groceries.

The brand will first be sold in 20 stores with a larger Muslim population, such as (Bankstown)., Binse. It will be on sale in May or June this year.
