
Do you know? What are the outrageous prohibitions in Melbourne's parliament?

Melbourne has a number of outrageous prohibitions (Pioneer Sun Photo)

From balloons to fluorescent bars to Christmas decorations, Melbourne's parliament bans seemingly harmless objects and behaviour in streets, kindergartens and parks, the Pioneer Sun reported.

Here are some of the most outrageous prohibitions, do you agree?

Forbidden balloon

(Darebin Council) of Delbin and (Port Phillip Council) of Port Philip

In February, Delbin City councillors voted unanimously to ban the use or sale of a range of plastic products, including balloons, disposable cutlery and water cups, on parliamentary land. The ban will be phased out over the next two years.

As part of a clean beach campaign, the Port Philip City Council issued a balloon ban in 2017.

Prohibition of planting prickly plants in green zones

Kingston Council (Kingston Council)

Kingston City Council banned the planting of prickly plants on the roadside, saying it would pose a safety hazard to pedestrians, cyclists and animals.

Forbidden fluorescent rod

Banyol Parliament (Banyule Council)

Although fluorescent rods are children's favorite colored toys, the Banyol Council forbids the use of fluorescent rods for Christmas celebrations.

Banyol City Changdi (Mark Di) said in an interview earlier this month that fluorescent rods are harmful to the environment and not only produce garbage, but also distract children from the "community spirit".

No homemade Cake in Kindergarten

Knox Council (Knox Council)

The Knox Congress has imposed a ban on homemade cakes in kindergartens since 2013, "for health and safety reasons such as proper food handling procedures and control of allergies."

The ban means that children can take their mother's homemade cakes to kindergarten for lunch, but not share homemade birthday cakes with their classmates.

Prohibition of donation of arts and handmade materials

Knox Council (Knox Council)

Knox Congress has also banned donations of egg boxes and toilet paper in art and handicrafts since 2013.

Stabins (Kerry Stubbings), director of the community service center, said the ban was for health reasons and that some children may have allergies.

Forbidden chalk

White Horse Council (Whitehorse Council)

The White Horse Council forbids chalk or chalk painting on local sidewalks. The ban dates back to 2011, when the mayor called it a violation of graffiti laws and a security hazard.

No Christmas

Moynand Parliament (Moreland Council)

Moynand Parliament decided in 2017 to give up the official Christmas decorations and change to "Moynand celebration (Moreland Celebrations)."

Moynand Parliament will no longer buy traditional Christmas decorations, and they will gradually adapt to "contemporary style."

Ban on Australian National Day

Yala (Yarra Council) and Delbin Parliament

In August last year, the Yala Parliament took the lead in a controversial decision to cancel Australia's National Day celebrations, followed by Del Bin Parliament. Delbyn Mayor Rutherf (Kim Le Cerf) said better-educated Australians "will be ashamed to celebrate on January 26."

The Federal Government of Australia subsequently denied the two parliaments the right to hold a citizenship ceremony for Australian citizens. (he Rong)
