
The lucky baby boy became the first child to be born in 2019 WA

While others are watching new year's fireworks, Perth and his husband and wife are at the hospital.

Of course, it is not because of illness that they spend the New year in the hospital, but that they will welcome a new family member.

The Perth couple, Tiffany Harvey and Terry Bertoncini, welcomed their lovely baby Caden, the first baby born in Western Australia in 2019, at Fiona Stanley Hospital today at 00:04.

Caden was born very smoothly and in good health, weighing 3.91 kg, the couple's fourth child.

Already overweight, Caden was brought to the world 14 days earlier than expected. He was greeted by his three brothers and sisters, 10-year-old Dylan,7, Elijah, and 6-year-old Sophie..

Tiffany Harvey was pleased that the baby was born on January 1, saying: "he will always have friends who want to have a party with him on his birthday. And every birthday will be accompanied by fireworks. "
