
These are the dirtiest places in Australian hotel rooms!

When you imagine your hotel room as a hotbed of bacteria for former guests, it is hard for you to relax while on vacation, even if there is no sign of uncleanliness.

Here, microbiologists reveal all the disgusting details and the best way to protect yourself on vacation.

Bathtub surface

The hotel bathtub is full of germs, so it is best not to take a bath, but to choose a shower to reduce contact with bacteria.

"remember," says Philip Tierno, a microbiologist and clinical professor of microbiology and pathology at the School of Medicine at New York University, "remember that the bathtub surface will form a layer over time and it will preserve the organism."

But even showers are hidden dangers-moist environments where fungi (which cause tinea of the feet) and mold (allergies to people with allergies, sneezing, stuffy nose and itchy eyes, tears).

"if you smell mold, you're already exposed to mold," said Dr. Clifford Bassett, medical director of the New York Society for Allergy and Asthma Care.

Tilno suggests rinsing with hot water for a minute before taking a bath and spraying some shampoo or shower drops onto the surface of the tub. "this will reduce the amount of organic matter you are exposed to," he said.

shower head

Ideally, the nozzle should be replaced every year. Guests may be exposed to Legionella if they are not regularly replaced or are not properly cleaned.

The bacteria, which appear in potable tap water, are ejected and can cause Legionnaires' disease in older people or people with weak immune systems.

Tilno's advice remains to allow hot water for 1 or 2 minutes before taking a bath.


Facing the toilet in the guest room, you need to use common sense. If it's obviously dirty, ask for another room or another hotel. If not, you should be careful. To be safe, it is recommended that you travel with alcohol towels-and even buy some (Lysol) while Lijie-to clean the toilet seats and flush handles.

[计] telecontroller

Because a lot of people have touched the remote, there may be a variety of dirty things in many of its crevices.

"of course, you sweat, too. It's a good medium that helps organisms grow for a long time."

Before changing channels, Bassett suggested placing the remote in a large sealed plastic bag.


When you arrive at the room, remove the bedspread, which may have semen or urine.

"if it's in the corner, you don't have to worry about it," Tilno said. Put a note on it, he said, telling the room attendant not to put it back on the bed. In addition to body fluids, allergens are the main problem here because of dust mites.

In order to reduce anaphylaxis, the fabric should be treated gently. During the stay, use steroids nasal sprays, inhalers or eye drops.


Carpets may also be the source of those nasty dust mites. If allergen is a major problem, Bassett suggests finding a hypoallergenic room equipped with a medical-grade air purifier, as well as micro-fiber pillowcases and bedding covers that insulate dust and dandruff.

Fungal spores also grow in wet conditions, so it is recommended that you walk around in slippers instead of barefoot.

Soft furniture

It is best to avoid the soft recliner that looks comfortable. "someone will sit there naked," Tilno said. Staphylococci may be transmitted through armpits and rectum, which can lead to staphylococcal infections.
