
Watching the toilet climb out of the viper, Melbourne's young mother was scared to cry.

Melbourne A young mother took her baby to the toilet and was sitting on the toilet when she found a venomous eastern brown snake crawling through the bathroom plumbing and crying in horror.

Earlier this week, a young mother in (Greensborough), Melbourne, saw a venomous eastern brown snake protruding from behind the hose, just inches from the baby in the same toilet, a young mother in (Greensborough), Melbourne, saw her head protruding from behind the water pipe earlier this week, according to Radio 7.

Snake catcher Perry (Mark Pelley) said the woman was still crying when she called him.

Snake catcher Perry came to the door in just two days to deal with 11 snakes.

During the two days of Christmas and Boxing Day, Paley came to the door to deal with 11 incidents of snakes, thus reminding residents to be vigilant.

Paley says residents need to be aware that snakes do everything they can to escape the heat. Don't think snakes only appear in bushes; they are also common in urban areas.
