
The hot food in the Australian supermarket is human health killer! Coles and Woolworths are selling

In 9012, people's requirements for food have long been more than full.

Now in addition to eat full, eat well, but also eat healthy.

As a result, we are surrounded by a variety of "health knowledge", every day are learning a variety of healthy eating rules.

But usually work, study too busy, do not have time to prepare, many people will choose to buy, supermarket those packed Vegetables Salad.

This not only saves time, but also looks clean and hygienic.

A recent British Mirror story, however, scares everyone.

It turns out that what we think of as "healthy food" is actually a breeding ground for bacteria!

Recently, in a documentary released by Channel 5, "Secrets of Your Supermarket Food," health experts warned that salad is always the healthiest choice, which is a very wrong idea.

Although Vegetables Salad is often labeled "edible" or "washed," the bagged vegetable remains a breeding ground for salmonella, scientists warn.

Even more shocking is the fact that this bagged salad is now the second most common cause of food poisoning in Britain.

Those "healthy food" in the supermarket, in fact, hidden mystery, inadvertently will be a trick!

The "conspiracy" behind "healthy Food"

Bagged lettuce is convenient, but at a price

Scientists at Leicester University have found that damaged leaves in bags increase the growth of Salmonella. In Europe, 50, 000 people die of salmonella every year.

Sap from damaged leaves can also make it harder to wash off, causing stomach spasms, diarrhoea, and bacterial infections.

Microbiologist Dr. Primrose explains that the liquid (brown at the bottom of the bag) increases the risk of harmful material growth and can become a breeding ground for salmonella.

If vegetables are stored in this dangerous bacterial environment for a long time, when people eat these Vegetables Salad, they are more likely to cause bacterial infections.

Dr. Primrose recommends cleaning as many times as possible before using Vegetables Salad.

If you find that the bag is swollen or there is an unknown liquid, you must throw it away and don't joke about your health!

Gluten-free bread is not healthy at all.

Generally, gluten-free products refer to products that do not detect glutenin.

The protein may cause stomach discomfort in some people, so gluten-free products are often available in supermarkets for this group of customers.

This category of food is usually associated with a variety of organic healthy foods, so it always feels especially healthy.

But the truth is, gluten-free bread is not even healthy, not even bread!

Gluten-free bread contains as many as 27 additives and chemicals, some of which are even used in cosmetics and oil drilling, Real Bread speaker Chris Young said.

"there are a dozen or more things in this bread, and you may not recognize them by name."

Although all food additives in gluten-free bread have been evaluated and approved by the European Food Safety Agency.

But after all, chemical additives, such food, is it really harmless to the human body?

You think you're eating fresh fruit, but it's all anti-season fruit.

Now, no matter what season, supermarkets can supply almost all kinds of "fresh" fruit.

But Dr. Debbie Rees of the University of Greenwich said the fruit had been in the warehouse for a long time, just looking fresh.

Dr Debbie has studied how to keep apples and other fruits and vegetables fresh for a long time.

After harvesting, she found, the fruits would be stored in refrigerated warehouses filled with gases to keep them from maturing, in order to store them for a long time.

As to why these fruits don't rot, Debbie explains:

"as we slow down the maturation process, we reduce oxygen concentration, the so-called controlled atmospheric storage.

"at low temperatures, due to low oxygen levels, we can slow down maturation, so it takes seven or eight months, sometimes even a year, to mature."

When the fruit needs to be sold, it just needs to be removed from the refrigerated warehouse, where it ripens for a short period of time in a normal warehouse, and looks very "fresh".

Eating too much protein is actually harmful.

Protein-added cereals, breads, noodles and yogurt have become more and more popular in recent years, as if any food containing protein has become particularly healthy.

And these protein-containing foods are generally more expensive. For example, the strut bar costs £2, three times the price of a regular chocolate bar.

While the intake of protein is beneficial to the body-building who wants to enhance muscle, in practice, the human body is defined for protein intake.

Nutrition therapist Thalia Pellegrini says it takes 55 grams of protein a day for men and 45 grams for women, which can be achieved entirely through a normal, balanced diet.

The so-called protein additions to these products are in fact just a marketing gimmick.

Excessive pursuit of protein intake can cause long-term damage to the human body. Short-term constipation, bad breath, and long-term osteoporosis, urinary stones and even kidney damage.

The UK Nutrition Foundation says a professional athlete may need twice the recommended amount of protein.

So, unless you do rigorous exercise training every day, if you just eat some protein per meal, you don't need any extra supplements.


In addition, supermarkets also have foods traditionally thought to be very healthy, but not as healthy as we thought.


Many people like orange juice and even choose it as a healthy breakfast every day.

Because it was healthy enough in terms of appearance alone, and because it was so full of vitamin C, 71% of the population put orange juice in a healthy line.

But from a professional point of view, 76% of experts said: orange juice is actually not healthy.

In the Australian Dietary Guide, orange juice is recommended as an occasional drink and cannot be consumed every day.

Because there is too much sugar in orange juice, it is not suitable to replace fruit.

Oat energy ba

Oatmeal energy bars are essential foods in lunch boxes for almost primary and secondary school students in Australia, because oats, as a healthy carbohydrate, are seen by parents as a nutritious and healthy choice.

So, a total of 52 percent of adults think it's a healthy food, but in contrast, as many as 82 percent of nutrition experts think it's unhealthy.

Because, like oats, there's a lot of syrup, fat, nuts, and the sugar content of the whole energy bar is so high,

Calorie exploding watch!

Frozen yogurt

How many people, like Impressors, covet each time they come to the ice cream counter and get a frozen yoghurt leave that doesn't feel like it's going to grow fat?

Frozen yoghurt! Is to freeze healthy yogurt to eat, it doesn't sound like an unhealthy thing ah.

So, a total of 62% of people think frozen yogurt is a healthy food.

Unfortunately, 69% of experts say frozen yogurt is not healthy.

Alison McAleese, a nutrition expert, said: "Frozen yogurt sounds like freezing yogurt, but usually it's not as closely related to yogurt as ice cream."

"what's worse is what you buy in the outside store, and if you add some candy and chocolate to the topping, it's even worse."

So, her advice is to use it as an occasional snack and don't eat too much every day.

[化] cocoanut oil

Recently Impressors read that coconut oil is very healthy, how to eat no less than five articles, eat coconut oil, coconut oil has almost become a trend.

And the wind of coconut oil has been blowing hard in the western world for a long time, so most people (75%) think coconut oil is a very healthy food.

Recently, however, the discussion about whether coconut oil is healthy or not is getting hotter and hotter.

In the survey, coconut oil was also the most widely disagreed food between nutrition experts and ordinary diners, because 85% of the experts thought coconut oil was unhealthy.

Coconut oil appears very frequently in all kinds of healthy recipes and is placed in supermarkets with healthy foods.

"in fact, coconut oil contains a lot of saturated fat and raises cholesterol."

Similarly, studies have shown that coconut oil is indeed healthier than animal oils such as butter.

But it's not as healthy as olive oil, so if you want to choose between coconut oil and olive oil, choose olive oil.

These "fake health" food in the supermarket, have you been successful?
