
Mother reprimands bear child in Australia for facing jail time

Mother sighs: it is only in the face of "bear children" that you will know that calmness is almost impossible in life. Look at those bear children in the family, even if you are before marriage, again gentle and sweet, but after you really have children, every minute become every day roar aged woman.

Therefore, in the eyes of many Chinese people, most of the people who met their parents on the road scolded their children, and most of them took a look at them. At most, they felt that the father / mother had gone too far to exhort a few words. However, in Australia, the situation was completely different.

A while ago, a post-90s Australian mother named Krechelle Carter almost ruined her normal life because she scolded her child in public!

1. Cause of the incident

The protagonist of the story, Carter, is a 27-year-old mother who is already the mother of six children because she is married early and one of them is twins.

(photo source: Web)

With six children at a young age, the pressure is conceivable, but Carter is still actively facing these pressures and sharing his daily life on his blog. Gradually, Carter becomes Australia's "internet celebrity mother." However, while gaining fans and fame, all of Carter's actions have been magnified together.

(photo source: Web)

In her blog, she described the scene in a half-jokingly way: "when we went down the road, my children started fighting, just like they had just entered the WWE Arena, and I had to say: Hey!" I'm just focusing on a loud enough voice so that all six people can hear my voice. "

For others, however, Carter did yell at her children because of her "internet celebrity" status, which was quickly spread and even branded as "mother's shame."

(photo source: Daily Mail)

Some netizens even threatened her to sue her for "child abuse". You know, in Australia, if the court found that the parents' actions had caused "psychological trauma" to their children, and even if the child had not been physically abused, if there was sufficient evidence,

It's also a criminal offence! It's a court of law!

Carter does not know that one of his actions, actually gave himself such a big trouble!

2. Fight back and apologize.

In the face of a sudden backlash, Carter wrote a post against netizens who denounced her as a "bad parent," but said she felt guilty about denouncing her child in public.

A lot of times, she says, she tries to stay calm, but if she tells the child over and over again, she feels crazy. "for example, the first time I would say, 'honey, can't you please stop hitting your sister with something, because if you do that it hurts, what do you think she'll think of?'? But the third time it's going to be,'if you touch your sister again, I'll just throw your iPad in the dumpster'. " She said that her husband, who had been married for many years, had the same idea. At Christmas parade, she heard two young girls behind her, when her husband pulled the runaway children and reprimanded them. I don't want to be such a bad parent.

(photo source: Daily Mail)

But as she defended her actions, Carter also said she felt guilty: she admitted that she had not fully handled the situation of six children together. "I have six children, whether we are outside or at home," she said. I have to make sure my children are reminded of the rules, because once we leave the front door, they always seem to have amnesia. "

Even so, she says, she does not want to be as angry as parents who prefer to shake, and because so-called "human rights" do not want to reprimand their children, and she believes that in any case a child should be given a chance to grow up in the reprimand.

(photo source: Daily Mail)

She also cited three reasons why she thought he had to be scolded: "first: I don't remember!" Two: I don't have time to sit down and give them this lesson later. Third: they are likely to become bad children. Shouldn't I give them a hand? "

Carter says she's doing her best to raise six children. She admitted that she had her own rules, and she chose to stick to her principles, especially at school. "my rules may not be the same as those of others, but can't we just support each other in terms of parenting choices," Carter said.

But in any case, despite the fact that Carter finally won the understanding and support of all netizens with her own humor and honesty, we can see from her story that there are many differences between Chinese and foreign ways of parenting.

You can also say that foreigners' way of education is too "overdone", but you have to admit that in foreign countries, the number of "bear children" is indeed much less than that in China, because in education, foreign parents are often more patient. Also more willing to solve the problem from the source.

Therefore, although Australian laws do seem a bit excessive, they also encourage "flexible education" fundamentally. I also hope that parents can use this as a reference, less abuse and more tolerance.
