
Stop thinking travel insurance is useless! It can protect everything you didn't expect!

Travelers who plan to fly abroad are less likely to think about having to spend extra money looking after their pets or cleaning up their homes in case they delay their return home for some reason or come back with an injury or illness.

These unexpected situations can cause heartache for vacationers, because if they don't have travel insurance, these unexpected expenses could cost them tens of thousands of dollars.

A new analysis by found that policy holders who eventually filed claims might not have realized how wide their coverage was.

In fact, some travel insurance policies may cover a series of odd but wonderful things, including:

-if there is a delay in your return trip, you can arrange accommodation for your pet at home.

-if you are injured and incapacitated when you return home, you may have someone to help you clean your house.

-if your dinner dress is accidentally torn, cocktail party dress insurance can help you repair or replace other formal dresses.

If you are suddenly fired, some insurance companies can compensate you for the travel expenses you have paid in advance.

Rebecca (Rebecca Penn), 27, and her 32-year-old partner, Rob Andrews (Rob Andrews), are about to end a month-long European adventure, but she does not realize that some travel insurance also includes pet insurance.

"I always buy travel insurance, and I usually insure my cell phone, passport, luggage or anything that might damage my itinerary," she said. "the important thing is that the coverage must be maximum, so if your luggage is lost, What you get is more than a minimum amount of compensation. But I never wanted to insure my dog Wolverine. "

Paul (Natalie Ball), director of, said policy holders should scrutinize the details before signing.

"when choosing travel insurance, passengers usually value health insurance, cancellation of reservation insurance, plane delay or lost baggage insurance." "but there are other benefits that they can take advantage of," she said. "these benefits are often not noticed or used."

"if your pet suddenly needs to see a vet during your vacation, some travel insurance can even reimburse veterinarian bills."

Travel insurance is not expensive, and an 11-day trip can cost only 80 yuan, said (Insurance Council of Australia) spokeswoman Kabour (Lisa Kable) of the Australian Insurance Council. It is important to choose the right insurance for the right travel.

"if you're going to a wedding, a tear in the dress can be a problem, and you need insurance to cover it, but if you're going to be a backpacker, you don't need it." She said.

'If you have to cancel your trip at the last minute, you may need to cancel the insurance, but not all travel insurance covers the claim, 'she said.

Mr. Cabor said that if customers had already purchased another form of insurance from the same insurance company, they would have significantly reduced the cost of travel insurance.
