
Perth found a giant spider next to his pillow, and his father only took pictures

Tall-footed spiders climb on pillows (Daily Mail photo)

Children often listen to this popular nursery rhyme to fall asleep, "good night, sleep well, don't let bugs bite you." An Australian father faced a crazier creature than a bedbug, and a giant spider crept up his sleeping son's pillow, but he didn't seem to worry.

According to the Daily Mail, Simon Perth resident Alan (Scotty Allen) shared a photo of his sleeping son's pillow next to his son's pillow in a photo shared by a local group on the social networking site Facebook. Alan seemed to be happy, not uneasy, about it.

Alan also rightly said: "with this baby guard, you don't have to worry about my child being bitten by bugs."

According to netizens identification, this is a tall spider, generally low risk, no aggression.

According to the National Park and Wildlife Foundation, (Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife, tall-legged spiders are harmless to humans and are very useful in controlling mosquito and cockroach populations.

Tall-footed spiders don't weave webs. They wait quietly for insects and other invertebrates to approach and raid in due course.
