
The Australian fisherman caught a long pack of rainbow trout on his back, and the expert had not seen it.

Australian fishermen caught a long-bag rainbow on the back ( Pictures)

An Australian fisherman caught a rainbow of huge mass in a back-minster, and sent a query online, hoping that someone could give the answer to the strange mass.

The man, James, captured a rare 4.5-kilogram rainbow in the Goulburn River near Thornton, north-east of the state, to show off in the social media, according to station 7.

James released his photo holding a huge trout, with the attachment "not sure what the lump is."

The net friend is also puzzled by the huge mass in the back of the trout.

It's a joke: "A rare camel's rainbow."

Others said: "this looks very bad! the parasite is likely to be the culprit behind this lump! in addition, this is a pretty good size trout."

Australian fishermen caught a long-bag rainbow on the back ( Pictures)

'He doesn't know what the mass is,' said Andrew Chin, a professor of the Sustainable Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture at the University of James Cook.

His colleague, Dean Jerry, has not seen such a mass, which is thought to be a "A type of cyst.", which may be caused by a parasitic infection or cancer cell.

'No one can give a definite answer,' said Stuart Watts, a member of the Western Australia's Recfishest.

'The fish's situation is of particular concern,' said Mr. Watt. First, the fish appears to be caught in the wild, not an aquaculture site, and the latter's fish are more vulnerable to infection. Second, the mass is present at a position not common to the back of the fish, and is not close to the organ.
