
Marry is expensive! The Australian wedding fee rises, which aspect spends much?

From 2018 to 2019, costs for Australian marry were rising in all respects, with an overall increase of nearly 4 percent.

According to a new survey by Australia's largest bride site, Wedded Wonderland, the Australian couple spent more than A $50, 000 on marry, and the price will only get higher, according to Radio 7.

It is reported that from 2018 to 2019, all aspects of Australian marry costs are rising, the overall increase of nearly 4%.

According to the Wedded Wonderland survey, meticulous couples will try to cut spending on wedding, but indulgent couples will spend more and bolder.

Wendy El-Khoury, the site's founder, said frugal wedding costs typically range from A $10, 000 to A $20, 000, while luxury wedding can exceed A $ one hundred thousand.

When it comes to styling, each bride wants to be glamorous on the marry day, but the amount of money it takes to do so may surprise newcomers.

It is reported that each couple will spend more than A $20, 000 for the perfect wedding model. The ring cost the highest, at A $11753.

Mr. Elkuri said the bridegroom spent a lot of money on engagement rings, making buying rings a top priority in their wedding budget and spending. Social networking platform Instagram has an impact on the size of the ring, color, purity, and timing of the proposal.

The bride spends more than A $1000 on hair styling and makeup, and the groom at no more than A $2000.

The Australian couple spent more than A $30, 000 on the ceremony. The ideal wedding site would cost more than A $22,000, while flowers and on-site arrangements would cost nearly A $7000. In addition, an average of A $784 would be required for invitations, and an invitation to host wedding would cost more than A $700.

In 2019, newcomers' need to record wedding unforgettable moments exceeded the need to enjoy the moment. Newlyweds spend A $7477 on video and photography.

When it comes to getting married, newcomers usually spend more than A $1000 on wedding grounds.

According to the survey, 36 percent of newcomers would take Uber (Uber) or a taxi, or drive themselves to the wedding scene.

In addition, new hires are likely to spend just over A $10,000 on their honeymoon, given the cost of vacations at the moment.

It seems that the lovers who are going to marry in the future will tighten their belts.
