
Australian women who claim to be able to judge who will die by smell have succeeded many times

An Australian woman claims to have an unusual gift-she can smell people to tell if they die or not, according to the American News of Wonder News on June 1.

Ali, 24, of New South Wales? Carla (Ari Kala), who calls herself a "soul coach," claims to have discovered her unique ability to smell death at the age of 12. The night before her uncle died, she smelled a strange smell in her uncle's house, and no one could smell it.

Carla said: "this strange sweetness mixed with the smell of rotting indicates that death is coming." Since then, she has repeatedly sniffed out who is dying, especially in advanced cancer and elderly groups.

Being able to predict death is not only frightening, but almost useless. Carla claimed that these people could not be saved when she could smell death, so it was pointless to tell them that they were going to die.

Carla said: "sometimes it feels like a burden. I used to want to say something, but I realized it wasn't my responsibility. It's a little useless-how can it help people? How can I walk in front of a stranger and tell him that you smell dying, and how can I help them? I don't know how I'm going to interfere with their fate. "

For this reason, Carla decided not to focus on her special abilities, but to teach young women how to release their spiritual energy. She claims that everyone has special abilities, but they are usually suppressed in childhood. "as a child, I can read people's emotions and dream things come true," she said. People don't like it, and as I get more and more afraid of being judged, I shut down these abilities. " Now, she had to try to revive these special abilities.
