
Only when we arrived in Australia did we realize that our values had been subverted.

I have heard a lot of stories about foreigners, such as an Australian friend who just bought a broken camera and even went to the store to change a new one.

While complaining about this, we may not have thought of another question: why do so many of us smart people come abroad to such a weak-witted country?

Because everyone is not deceitful, very obedient, the social cost will be very low, such a country must be rich and stable, but also everyone envy. So foreigners are very clever, they are not stupid, but those smart people are stupid to the home.

Education: college is a personal development, not a way out and a higher value

From small to big listening to the college entrance examination to achieve the "carp jump dragon gate" story, although different now, but the education sign still seems to be worth the weight.

In Australia, you will find that it is not new for highly educated intellectuals to do ordinary jobs. I have seen Ph.D. driving taxis in India, musicians in Eastern Europe doing decoration, graduate students in the Department of Geography serving as waiters in furniture shops before finding a teacher's job. The engineering doctor works in the car store to do the sale and so on.

On the other hand, there will also be cleaners at the University of Melbourne who receive an undergraduate degree in classical literature, and truck drivers who love Shakespeare's leisure time on long trips to write scripts that shock people in the circle, and so on. Australia has a much higher proportion of the population with a college or higher education than in China, an education that has nothing to do with growing up and getting ahead.

Because of love and interest, and do very "unreasonable" things. Such pursuit, more or less also has to do with the national conditions. In Australia, 10-20 years of experience in blue-collar salaries exceed those of Ivy League graduates. There are also 90-year-olds who continue to study in colleges and universities.

As a result, Australia has more than 10 Nobel laureates in its short history of more than 100 years.

There was a story of a Chinese mother taking a child on the street to see a beggar, and the Chinese mother pointed to the beggar and said to her child, "Children, you have to study hard, otherwise, when you grow up, you will have to be just like him."

The same thing happens in Australia, and Australian mothers say to their children, "you have to study hard and grow up to help people like him." Or this is the fundamental difference in education between China and Australia.

Car house is a must for life, not exclusive to the rich

When it comes to buying a house in Australia, it basically refers to buying an independent house. That is what Chinese people call villas. This is basically a common house, not rich people have.

There is also a platoon (called a conjoined villa in China) that is cheaper than a stand-alone house. Such homes, more than 200, 000 to 10 million Australian dollars, property rights are permanent.

In Australia, having a car and a house is not a measure of one's wealth, because everyone in Australia has a car and a house.

Family: money and work make way for families

In China, there are really a lot of people who live apart because they earn money and work. Even if they live in one place, they may still look at material things more than everything in order to work day and night, and miss their wives to have children, and delay seeing a doctor for their children. The old man cannot be sent to the end.

In Australia, this is to be despised.

In Australia, many people have photos of their families on their desks, and their happy group photos reveal Australians' family sense. After work and on weekends, they belong to the family, and all the holidays are a quiet gathering of families.

Recently, I heard a story like this: an Australian is going to have a minor operation, and her husband canceled all the business talks. She would rather pay for the meeting himself to delay his stay and go with her to perform the operation. This is the typical embodiment of foreign family concept.

A real thing: there is a Chinese woman who works alone in an Australian restaurant and says to an artist who lives on rap every day, why don't you go to China, and I can introduce you to become an English teacher. Why do you have to work so hard here? The rapper said: why should I leave my home, a job to leave my wife and children? I like the present work, every day with their loved ones together, I am very happy.

Work with illness is an irresponsible act

The adjective used by mainland Chinese media in one-sided propaganda is to work with selflessness to the extent of "sticking to the disease."

Australia you will find that life is the first, sick should rest, with illness to work is irresponsible to oneself, how can you expect to be responsible for others or work if you are not responsible for yourself?

In addition, flu and other infectious, doctors will tell you to stay at home, how long after self-isolation before you can go to public places, this is a public ethics, socially responsible performance.

So in Australia, there are few news that elite executives die suddenly because they work too hard.

Perhaps, many Chinese come to Australia in the first year or two, will not adapt to these differences, but once really integrated into the Australian way of life, we will find that our own life can be full of health and happiness!
