
UNSW Campus Walk & Big Man face to face

Our vision makes it no longer difficult for all IT Chinese to find a job. More than 8000 IT partners have joined us and become Australia's largest Chinese IT organization. It is also recognized by thousands of IT partners. From the world's top IT cattle gathered here, let us in foreign countries, but also feel that the warm community covers the IT job search group, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne local group, large front-end, php, AI, block chain, Java, Mobile, Laraval and other professional and technical groups. The activity of tens of thousands of people every day also proves that we IT people are a group of enthusiastic, ideal and more loving groups. Craftsman's website: the Prospect of the Development Direction of data Industry & the Vocational skills that BA should possess


The New relationship between Development and Operation and maintenance & the Disclosure of DevOps Industry

> presenter: Yu @ Atlassian

-uncover the niche industry.-Networking.

> presenter: Tiango @ Top Networks

Time: Thursday, October 10, 2019 6:30pm

Location: UNSW Quadrangle G034

Scan social app, forwarding posters for free participation

There is also a chance to revise the resume of surprise gifts.

Contact the craftsman Xiao Le quickly, get more information bar official website authentication: social app contact: sydneyjiangren

