
The Australian passport rose to$282 in 2018.

In the past period, Henley&Partners, a well-known British consultant, published the 2018 passport index list of all countries based on the number of passport free and land-signed countries. Australian passports won the seventh place on this commonly called World Passport Content List for the benefits of 171 regions. Six countries are less than the first German passport!

This passport can not only be visa-free to enter 171 countries, but also in the United States, New Zealand and other developed countries to enjoy a variety of benefits, it is simply not too convenient!

However, in the world``eye-red'' Australian passport, Australian people say:We are not satisfied with our passport at all!

It turns out that Australians are most dissatisfied with their country's passports: Australian passports are really too expensive! Since January 1, Australia's 10-year passport price has risen again, from $227 last year to $282. Australian people complain about this, because at the beginning of last year, Australian passports also rose by A $20!

According to a data published by GoEuro website in 2015, Australia's passport price ranks second in the world, after Turkey;The Australian passport price($282)is now much higher than Turkey's long-term passport price(764 lira, about$255), as Australian passports jumped in the past two years.

By contrast, Sweden, which once ranked third in the world in passport prices, costs only about A $182; even Australian passports cost more than A $100 more than in neighboring New Zealand! According to The New Daily, the only passport in the world that is more expensive than Australia is Syria, which is in the midst of civil war (passport price is about A $500A).

Alliance (AFTA) speaker Dean Long, an Australian travel agency, said there was no doubt that Australian passports were the most expensive of all the countries they travelled to and from. "We think the continued rise in Australian passport prices is enough," Dean Long said.

David Berman, a professor of tourism at Sydney University of Science and Technology, also bluntly commented that Australia's government had repeatedly raised passport prices just for profit.

The official saying is that the price of Australian passports depends on the rise in the CPI. However, according to a data released by AFTA, Australia's government will clearly still make a profit of A $245 million on the project.

After all, Australian passports exist as the seventh best passport in the world! So being an Australian means that if you hold an Australian passport, you can willfully say to your Leader, "the world is so big that I'm going to fly freely in 171 countries and regions." As for whether there is a job or not, it depends on your strength.
