
Australians are so cute! They went to the hot search for this move, and netizens exclaimed, 'it's too warm!' In fact, they have done warmer things.

Yesterday, the Aussie and the two-year-old man boarded the heat, for the reason was because of a fish.

On CNN yesterday, CNN released a story about a warm-heart story of a diver and a "Devil's Fish" in Australia, and the story not only touched the Australian, but also on the Weibo's hot list!

A few days ago, Jack, a diver in Western Australia, met a devil fish while working off the coast of Lianingalu.

It's it.

Devil's fish

The "Devil's Fish" of the bat is a kind of fish. It's called "Devil's Fish" because it's a huge and prank, so long as it's in a rage, it's only with its powerful double-winged "one-shot, it will break the bone of the person, and the death of the person. But its nature is gentle, and in general it will not take the initiative to conflect with the human being.

Jack doesn't care because there's a lot of evil fish in the sea.

But the "Devil's Fish" roamed around him, and then, harshly, his work.

"It's time to roll back and forth next to us, and it seems to have asked us to do a favor." Jack's partner, underwater photographer Horses.

Jack could not help but notice the big guy, and he looked intently: it was hurt! There is a hook buried under the right eye of the devil's fish.

No wonder it looks a little anxious. Jack took the tool and tried to take the hook off it, and it worked quietly. Jack finally succeeded several times.

This seems to describe the terrible giant thing still on the bottom of the sea with the diver Jack for a little while to swim quietly. Photographer Holes recorded the process:``This is touching, which fully proves the trust between marine animals and man! ``.

The warm-hearted behavior of Australian divers has also been praised by Chinese netizens:

As the natural environment is superior, Australia has always been well-known for its species diversity, especially for grass and small animals. The Australian people also enjoy such a state of harmony with nature, and the small animals are mostly not afraid of people, and sometimes they are at risk for help.

Because of the large number of kangaroos, Australia is often called kangaroo country. But these muscular, bouncing guys look like a less clever sub-son.

Yesterday (15 July), when a man in the state of Wei was in a small forest and a dog, his dog began to bark at an opening in the ground, and he was very curious, and he went to the cave to see what it was.

Obviously this is an abandoned mine, so it should be several meters deep. He looked down and found a big kangaroo lying at the bottom of the pit.

It was dirty and looked weak, so he immediately contacted the Animal Rescue Center, and finally saved the bad roo.

Fortunately, although the kangaroo was temporarily in shock at the bottom of the pit because of cold and a week without food, the kangaroo was cured after treatment.

In Australia, there are not only animal rescue centers, but sometimes firefighters join the rescue.

At the end of last month, a fire broke out in house in Melbourne, and the fire was fierce. Firefighters arrived to make sure there was no one in house. They just breathed a sigh of relief, but saw two kittens in the house. So firefighters immediately worked out a "cat rescue plan," and then put on an oxygen mask and a fire suit and rushed into the fire building.


Finally, the kittens were rescued and firefighters put them in a paper box. Firefighters also gently caress them to appease their emotions.

Not only kittens, but also national treasure koalas have also been in crisis.

In the summer of last year, Adelaide had a temperature of 46 degrees. In the burning of the big sun, the people and the animals were dry and dry. A man found a fast-toasted kola on the outskirts of the country. And is called a "It doesn't look good.".

The man then picked up his water bottle and handed it to the kola. And it seems to know what the person in front of is to do, grab the man's hand, and let the man pour the water into his mouth. A man and a bear are very harmonious.

The image burst into the social platform at a moment, and everyone was moved by the warm heart of the Aussies.


Fresh King's conclusion:

Every design of nature is exquisite, and every field is exquisite. We have seen in Australians the recognition of life and respect for nature. Human beings can truly become the spiritual elders of all things and live in harmony with nature only if they are dressed in the sky and crowned with stars.
