
Sexual invasion, corporal punishment of women workers! Foreign media revealed that Ham Asia sweatshop, the truth behind the cheap is shocking.

Fast fashion brand Ham has been a big deal lately.

The front foot was exposed, burning up to 12 metric tons of unsold clothing a year. A total of 60 metric tons has been destroyed since 2012!

And then it made headlines again.

An in-depth investigation by the Guardian suggests that it operates sweatshops in Asia, that corporal punishment of cheap women workers and sexual invasion are common practices.

In addition to Ham, Gap is also on the list of scandals.

The Asian factories of Ham M and Gap are under heavy supply pressure to meet the "fast fashion" delivery deadline, according to trade unions and maintain legal rights.

Sexual harassment and violence are two major themes that spread over factories.

In response, the Global Labor Department last week released two separate reports.

More than 540 workers described details of their threats and abuses, the report said.

At present, Ham M has 235 garment factories in India.

At a factory in Bangalore last month, a seamstress quarreled over wages. In the meantime, she was caught in her hair and punched. The abuser insulted the harlot with the nasty words "prostitute", "kind of person like you" and so on.

A female worker at another Ham supplier factory was punished for failing to meet the production quota.

"I was working on a sewing machine," she recalls. "the batch supervisor suddenly showed up behind me and yelled 'you can't reach the production target'. Then he pulled me out of my chair and threw me to the ground. Start hitting me, including my breasts, pull me up and fall and kick me over and over again. "

In a Sri Lankan factory in Ham M, a female worker complained: "if the female worker resists the actions of the supervisor, operator sexual harassment, he will be retaliated." Sometimes these snobs deliberately keep women workers' machines out of work and don't repair them for a long time. But in the end, the women workers were blamed for failing to meet the production quota. "

At a plant in Gap, Indonesia, women workers are ridiculed every day for stupidity, inefficiency and even the threat of terminating contracts.

According to the women, the operators were chicken thieves and were careful not to leave any evidence of violence to the police.

Jennifer, director of the U.S. Bureau of Global Labour Justice. "We have to understand that gender-based violence is a product of the global supply chain structure," Rosenbaum (Jennifer Rosenbaum) said. In the fast fashion supply chain mode of Ham M and Gap, it is often unreasonable production target and low price contract. This has led to unpaid overtime and the need to work quickly under extreme pressure. "

As early as January-May, Asian countries such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka were accused of being "world factories" with potential crises such as rapid turnover and low management costs.

Today, abuse of female workers is becoming a reality.

Cheap women workers were forced to achieve unrealistic goals in the supply chains of H x {e16c} m and Gap. However, "most people choose to be silent because of fear of reprisals in the workplace." At present, Ham M and Gap say they will fully match the investigation charges.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) will step in this week to further negotiate a solution to these appalling cancer problems.

Looking forward to the progress of the sweatshop follow-up investigation, society does not need empty calls for justice.
