
Drivers often violate this simple traffic rule, and they can be fined 337 dollars in new state

Simple lane shifts are often the most confusing for drivers. (photo of the Daily Mail)

According to the Daily Mail, drivers' complacency often leads to violations of the simplest road regulations, at a price, from parallel to follow-up.

According to experienced driver coach Kolb (Steve Kolb), simple lane shifts are often the most confusing for drivers. But he thinks many drivers forget the rules because they are not focused on what they are doing.

In accordance with the rules, the forward car in parallel with the road has priority driving. However, when vehicles are incorporated into another lane, they need to be carried out when the speed and conditions of the surrounding vehicles are appropriate. Otherwise, violators may be fined.

The penalties for breaching simple road regulations vary from state to state.

New state drivers may face a fine of A $337 and a 3-point deduction if they fail to make way in accordance with the rules. Fines are $238 in Victoria, A $391 in Kunzhou, A $332 in South Australia, A $100 in Western Australia and A $122 in Tasana.

Kolb also points out that young drivers often learn dangerous driving habits from their parents and pay an expensive price.
