
If you find this small black spot at home, don't ignore it! Or you'll be hollowed out in minutes.

Lucy Wicks is a member of the Commonwealth Liberal Party in Australia. She is a tough woman. She is serious about her job and is patient with her family and children. She can be called a successful woman in her family and career.

However, from a day two years ago, Wicks has changed! When she reported her work, she suddenly got stuck and forgot her words, suddenly fell when she was walking normally, and suddenly fell in a trance when talking to people, which not only affected her performance at work, but also did not have enough energy to come home with her children.

At first she thought she was stressed out at work.

But before long, she often felt pain in her joints, burning skin, a slight infection in her chest, and a weak, easy-to-sleep. Not only that, the original health of her, did not expect to have natural pneumonia, asthma and other diseases will follow, torment her body!

Not only does Wicks feel uncomfortable in her own office, it's always with her in the co-worker's office, in the shopping mall, and even at her own home!

Watching Wicks get more and more sick, her mother is worried. So many diseases come together, it is not common! Experienced mother Wicks, go to Wicks's house and let her check if it's mold!

It turns out that a big storm earlier knocked down a big tree next to Wicks's house! And the tree just happened to press on the roof of the Wicks house, because the big tree was under the tide, and some undried Rain Water also slowly infiltrated the walls of the Wicks house with the big tree.

From then on, Wicks's corner edge slowly appeared a little black spots, there is a gradual trend of further expansion, and it is after those, Wicks fell ill!

Originally, Wicks did not believe that the culprit was mold! Wicks was diagnosed as chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS)!

Chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS)

It is an acute or chronic systemic inflammatory reaction that occurs when the human body is exposed to the interior of a building containing toxic substances! Those toxic organisms include fungi, bacteria, endotoxin and volatile organic compounds such as (VOC).

CIRS is almost an inflammation that cannot be regulated by the innate immune system.

Symptoms include fatigue, muscle spasms, headache, light sensitivity, skin sensitivity, memory loss, cough, diarrhea, etc.

As for the "toxin" in Wicks's home, it must be mold! Since the storm, mold has been breeding and spreading quietly in Wicks's house! In other words, Wicks is exposed to mold-infested house every day and gets along with mold day and night.

And Wicks is not so comfortable because there are more or less mold or other compound toxins in those buildings. The effects of those on the average people are low, and Wicks is more sensitive than others for CIRS, the skin, and the body's immune function.

Dr. Cameron Jones, a microbiologist, says that the problem of mold in Australian housing buildings is widespread, and that many houses are at risk.

Why do many houses in Australia grow mildew?

First, temperature and humidity are important indicators to determine the presence or absence of mold. Therefore, in the damp-heat places such as Kunzhou, Xinzhou, etc., it is the high incidence of mould!

Second, most houses in Australia are made of wood; and there is a gap between the wall and Liang Zhu, is the heat preservation, waterproof weak place! In addition, some houses are not tightly filled, the external wall may have some cracks, resulting in local seepage, resulting in long hair inside the wall!

Then there are some decoration materials in the composition, in a damp environment, the moisture will be sealed in the wall, thereby producing mold.

In addition, if a small partner do not like that ventilation of the window, the indoor air is not circulate for a long time, and the indoor humidity is too large, so that the house is moldy. Especially in the winter, outdoor cold, outdoor and indoor cold and hot, the condensation formed water vapor, increases the humidity of the environment, and thus increases the possibility of the mold breeding.

So in Australia, there are a lot of friends who are as badly affected by mold as Wicks!

According to ABC, a Melbourne mother, Ms Balhas, began to discover that mold was not a big deal at home. But as the mold slowly climbed all over the family, she almost lost her son's life.

Usually the water content of a house can not exceed 15% at most! And the water content of Ms Balhas's interior wall is as high as 90%! This "water house" is a mold paradise! Day after day they "become roommates" with mold, resistance and other aspects of the stronger adults began to become weak, uncomfortable, let alone her thin son!

Finally, even the child's attending doctor, all heartache to urge the mother to take their own children to move away from there, otherwise the child may not be able to recover the aggravation of the disease!

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the, Stacy Smith family lived on the northern beach of Sydney and caused a major outbreak of mold in their home after several days of heavy rain.

Compared with cement house, wooden house is easy to be wet, and it is easier to spread after damp. Plus the Stacy family's house's moisture-proof measures have not been done, so large black molds are almost devouring their home! Terrible!

After the hindsight, the humidity of her son's room was as high as 78%!

Fortunately, Stacy has foresight, at the beginning of the family body trance and other symptoms, will resolutely move, so as to escape a bullet!

A netizen sister also once revealed: from one day, she suddenly became very tired at home, even if sleep a dozen hours a day, still feel all over the body boring, feel tired! Not only that, her face also slowly started some rash, all over the body also felt sore. To that end, she could hardly work. To see a doctor at the hospital, the doctor just prescribed her some medicine to treat her rash! Later in the trip to the United States, the girl miraculously hopeless self-healing! But when she returned to her home in Australia, that bad thing happened again! Then she knew: "her house is slowly killing her!"

After her detailed examination of house, she found that there were some mold in the kitchen roof behind the sink in her bathroom! Finally, the girl reflected the situation to the property, and moved out of the home, the body slowly returned to health.

The mold comes in a variety of colors, black, green, pink, yellow, and even other colors that are not easily found, says Raphael Sikert of the Australian conservation group. Some mold spores are like dust, invisible to the naked eye! The toxins it produces can spread directly in the air and be inhaled into the body without feeling it! Once inhaled, these biotoxins can trigger inflammation, over time, they will affect the patient's brain function and nervous system, causing some of the immune deficiency, hormone imbalance and other issues!

At least 1/4 of the world's people, like Wicks, have little or no immunity against mold. It's easy!

Therefore, it seems to be just a small mold spot, in fact, the harm is greater than we think!

As molds silently erode the human body and damage people's health, and Wicks has had painful personal experiences, she called on all Australians not to underestimate mold!

Central Coast doctor Christabelle Yeoh says Australian doctors don't pay enough attention to the destructive power of mold! As a result, it is often difficult for patients to be diagnosed within a short period of time until they are delayed and delayed. Others may even be misdiagnosed as other diseases, such as asthma, rash, etc.

At present, all over Australia, including Wicks, 1500 people have been confirmed to be caused by mold caused by CIRS!

In Australia, at least tens of thousands of people already suffer from mold-induced diseases, according to experts who study fungal toxicity. There are thousands of people who share their experiences of molds on Facebook alone!

Once the mold is found in the home, the entire home is at risk of toxicity! Because the mold is domineering! They can quickly grow up in buildings that contain carbon sources or food!

So, when you find that there are water stains or mildew spots in your home, don't relax your guard! You have to get rid of it quickly!

Several good ways to remove mildew in your home:

1. The easiest way to get to the mold is to open the window. Clean the mold and then ventilate it so that the moisture and humidity in the room can be reduced, so that the moisture can be removed!

2. If there are fewer mildew spots, you can wipe with vinegar; it can destroy the internal structure of the mold. If mildew is larger, you can use disinfectant solution to remove, wipe remember to take good gloves!

3. Buy dehumidifier, reduce the humidity of the room, and do a good cleaning of the room sanitation on a regular basis!

4. If the simple operation still fails to stop mold breeding, the problem is a bit serious, perhaps, like the Melbourne mother's, the wall itself is a problem.

If so, at least remove the surface of the wall and apply a new, high-quality moisture-proof layer after drying, and finally paint it again. That would require the help of a professional.

Boys must be careful, go home to check their own nest!
