
Australian Chinese owners fined $26,000! 'these employees don't deserve a minimum wage,' he said.

A former operator of Gold Coast's car-washing business was fined A $ one hundred and forty six thousand nine hundred and ninety nine for defaulting on 59 employees, including Liu Chao, a Chinese head, fined A $26,499.

(photo source: GoldCoastBulletin)

The car wash company, Expresso Carwash Cafe, which has offices in both Southport and Labrador, was liquidated by GoldCoastBulletin shortly after the prosecute, law lawsuit began against 59 employees between 2012 and 2014, according to the website.

Expresso Carwash Cafe is now owned by an independent company, but there is no indication that the operator is currently involved in the violations.

Former Expresso Carwash Cafe managing director Richard Sang Kyun Kim and former managing director Liu Chao were fined A $42432 and A $26520, respectively.

(photo source: GoldCoastBulletin)

Fair work Ombudsman Sandra Parker said Kim and Liu Chao have been exploiting employees, especially foreign workers.

"any employer trying to profit from low-income employees should be aware that we will take action to ensure that such behaviour has serious consequences and that all Australian workers enjoy the same rights regardless of their status or visas," he said.

(photo source: GoldCoastBulletin)

A 457 Korean visa technician sponsored by Ausinko said she was forced to repay her A $21685 salary under a cash-back scheme, which would require a return of about A $111 to A $715 a week.

That means that, despite a full-time contract salary of A $49330, her hourly salary is actually as low as A $15 to A $18.5.

If she doesn't, she will lose her job and visa guarantee. The other 58 workers also have delayed wages, in violation of the payroll phenomenon.

In interviews with fair-job inspectors, Kim and Liu Chao said the employees did not deserve Australia's minimum hourly wage.

In addition, when employees demanded a reasonable salary, Liu Chao also called it "very disappointed" because it was not consistent with the "loyalty" of employees in Asian culture.
